- It is of guiding significance for medicine application if combining the result of sputum culture with clinical cases. 痰培养结果与临床结合利于指导用药。
- Results:There were 2 cases (2/28) of barotrauma and 4 casese (4/28) with positive sputum culture. 结果:与以往病例的治疗结果比,全组患者并发症低,无死亡。
- In the sputum culture bacteria , pulmonary candidiasis constituted 91%,particularly the Candida albicans , which accounting 82% . 痰培养念珠菌属占91%25,特别是白色念殊菌即占82%25。
- Methods We test and analyzed 334 main nosogenic flora of pneumonia patients sputum culture between May 2001 to June 2003 in our hospital. 方法对本院2001年5月-2003年6月肺炎患儿痰培养主要病原菌334株药敏情况进行了检测和分析。
- Conclusions:ABPS should be diagnosed through various measures including bronchofibroscope,sputum culture,imaging,and immunological examinations. 结论:目前对该病的诊断应采取多种手段,包括纤支镜检查,痰培养及影像学、免疫学等;
- The first three strain from sputum culture are Pseudomonas aeruginosa, candida albicans ,staphylococci epidermides ,and those bacteria have resistance to antibacteria. 痰培养检出菌株排列前三位的为铜绿假单胞菌、白色念珠菌和表皮葡萄球菌,且对抗生素有较高的耐药性。
- Methods Sputum culture for Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its L forms was conducted from both silicotuberculosis and silicosis groups, and the results were compared. 方法对矽肺结核组和矽肺组患者,分别进行痰结核分支杆菌和痰结核分支杆菌L型培养,并对结果进行对照观察。
- Prolonged high-dose of corticosteroids and multiple broad-spectrum antibiotics are risk factors of positive sputum culture of fungi in the patients of COPD. 长期大量糖皮质激素的使用及长期广谱、超广谱抗生素的联合使用或更换过于频繁是下呼吸道真菌持续存在的危险因素。
- ICU admission, noninvasive positive pressure ventilation use, the need for invasive mechanical ventilation, and the length of hospital stay did not differ in the positive and negative sputum culture result groups, the investigators say. 研究者说,痰培养阳性组和痰培养阴性组在入住ICU、应用无创性正压通气、需行有创性机械通气和住院时间方面没有明显差异。
- Pus and sputum cultures yielded trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX)-resistant Nocardia asteroides. 脓疡和痰液培养长出对磺胺类药物具有抗药性的土壤丝菌。
- Methods A retrospective study was carried out to seek the related risk factors and to analyze the results of sputum culture in 736 neurosurgical patients hospitalized from May 2004 to May 2006. 方法对某院2004年5月-2006年5月收治的736例神经外科手术患者的医院获得性肺炎发生情况、相关因素及细菌培养结果进行回顾性调查分析。
- Methods The CT findings of 18 cases of pulmonary mycosis confirmed by surgery,sputum culture,flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy brush specimens or lung biopsy were retrospectively analyzed. 方法回顾分析肺真菌病18例,痰培养9例、手术病理证实5例、纤支镜刷检及活检4例。全部病例均行肺部CT检查。
- Clinical observation also showed that the control of temperature,amount of sputum,extraction of canula-extracting time,sputum culture and X-ray chest film in the former were better than in the latter. 临床观察也证明,气管切开后喷雾给药组在控制体温、痰量变化、拔管时间、痰培养与胸片方面也明显优于滴药法。
- METHODS Sputum cultures from 168 cases of neonatal tracheal intubation were analized. 方法分析168例新生儿气管插管下取痰培养情况。
- RESULTS The results of sputum cultures of all the 10 cases with the respiratory tract infection,were H. parainfluenzae positive. 结果10例呼吸道感染患者的痰培养、28例医务人员的咽拭子培养,结果均为副流感嗜血菌,示意为医院交叉感染。
- Method: The sputa of deep part were aspirated with the aseptic suction catheter by the man made tract, and then sputum culture and drup sensitivity were made. 方法:通过人工气道采用无菌吸痰管吸出深部痰,确定标本合格后做痰培养及药敏。
- This study suggests that the recognition of these sonographic features may be more releant and practical than ascites fluid studies, chest radiographs, tuberculin skin tests, and sputum cultures. 本研究提示这些超声特征的发现要比腹水分析、胸片、结核菌素实验和痰培养更中肯和实用。
- Naturalization of a new culture is always faster among the young. 对新文化的采纳在年轻人中总是快一些。
- This study suggests that the recognition of these sonographic features may be more relevant and practical than ascites fluid studies, chest radiographs, tuberculin skin tests, and sputum cultures. 本研究提示这些超声特征的发现要比腹水分析、胸片、结核菌素实验和痰培养更中肯和实用。
- Methods Retrospectively analyzed the characteristics of SDM complicated with PI in 62 cases,including symptoms,lab examinations,levels of blood sugar,complications and results of sputum cultures. 方法 对62例糖尿病伴肺部感染老年患者的临床相关因素(症状、实验室检查、血糖、并发症、痰菌等)和治疗效果进行回顾性分析。