- New houses are springing up all over the city. 新建筑物犹如雨后春笋般地出现在这座城市里。
- New houses were springing up all over the town. 全镇各处很快盖起了新房子。
- Storms spring up easily in this region. 这个地区很容易发生风暴。
- He sprang up and rushed to the door. 他跳起身,跑到门口。
- Doubts have begun to spring up in my mind. 洒水装置; 洒水器; 消防喷嘴。
- New houses were springing up all over the town . 全镇各处盖起了新房子。
- There 's a gentlewind springing up. 突然吹起一阵和风。
- New houses are springing up all over the town. 新的房屋在全镇各处拔地而起。
- Something rather odd has sprung up. 发生了一桩相当奇怪的事。
- Nwe businesses were springing up rapidly. 许多新兴的行业迅速地出现。
- There 's a gentle wind springing up. 突然吹起一阵和风
- There 's a small wind springing up. 突然吹起一阵微风
- A suspicion sprang up in his mind. 他的脑中突然产生了一些疑问。
- She sprang up and rushed to the door. 她跳起身向门口跑去。
- Weeds were springing up everywhere. 处处是杂草丛生。
- New businesses were springing up rapidly. 新兴商业迅速涌现。
- There's a small wind springing up. 突然吹起一阵微风。
- New buildings are springing up everywhere. 新建筑像雨后春笋般到处出现。
- A suspicion sprang up in her mind. 在她头脑里出现了一个疑团。
- Weeds are springing up in some fields. 有些田里有杂草了。