- Four years later,in Atlanta,she went on to do well again,winning the women's platform and springboard diving competitions. 四年后,在亚特兰大,她再接再厉,又赢得女子跳台和跳板的双料冠军。
- Guangdong's YANG JINGHUI won Olympic gold in the 2004 synchronized springboard diving event. An injury kept him out of the 2006 Asian Games. 来自广东的杨景辉于2004年荣获奥运会男子双人跳台跳水金牌。2006年他因受伤未参加亚运会比赛。
- Qin Kai of China competes in the men's 1m springboard diving final at the World Championships in Rome, Italy on July 17, 2009. 秦开的中国的竞争对手在男子1米跳板跳水决赛在世界锦标赛在意大利罗马举行的2009年7月17号。
- The women's 3-meter springboard diving gold went to GAO MIN in 1988 and 1992. She has been a diving coach in Alberta, Canada for many years. 高敏于1988年和1992年连获两度奥运女子3米跳板跳水金牌。她已在加拿大任跳水教练多年。
- The taking-off process in springboard diving motion is analyzed in this paper on the basis of mechanical model of diver/springboard system. 基于人-板系统的数学模型分析跳板跳水起跳阶段的各个过程。
- When competition, the athlete has on the elastic in an end fixed end springboard to take off completes the diving movement to call the springboard diving (springboard is apart from water surface highly gauge to decide as 1 meter and 3 meters). 比赛时,运动员在一端固定一端有弹性的跳板上起跳完成跳水动作称跳板跳水(跳板距水面的高度规定为1米和3米)。
- Women rs Synchronized 3m Springboard diving 跳水女子双人三米跳板
- women rs platform and springboard diving 女子跳台和跳板
- Men rs Synchronized 3m Springboard diving 跳水男子双人三米跳板
- Women rs Synchr 3m Springboard diving 跳水女子双人三米跳板
- Men rs Synchr 3m Springboard diving 跳水男子双人三米跳板
- World champion Tan Shuping of China was eliminated in the preliminary round of the Olympic women's three-meter springboard diving on Tuesday after two of her dives went Badly wrong. 星期二,世锦赛冠军、中国选手谭舒萍在奥运会女子3米跳板跳水预赛中被淘汰,她有2轮跳水动作严重失误。
- He stands shivering on the brink, wait to dive in. 他站在边上等待跳水时浑身发抖。
- I saw a rabbit dive into its hole. 我看见一只兔子钻进洞。
- The market values are in a nose dive. 市价暴跌。
- Advancement on Biomechanical Research of Springboard Diving 跳板跳水的生物力学研究进展
- Throw your arms out in front of you as you dive. 跳水时手臂迅速前伸。
- The policeman made a dive for the dropped weapon. 警察扑向掉下的武器。
- Mark is too lily-livered to dive off the high board. 马克太胆小,不敢从高台跳水。
- Springboard Diving Training Aiding System Based on Biofeedback Theory 基于生物反馈原理的跳板跳水辅助训练系统