- spring rain bums gels 春雨烧伤凝胶剂
- The spring rain gullied the mountain hills. 春雨在山坡上冲出了水沟。
- The trees were leafing after the spring rain. 春雨过后树在长叶子。
- Spring rain quickened the earth. 春雨使大地复苏。
- New buildings sprang up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain. 新的建筑物如雨后春笋般大批出现。
- The spring rain has sprouted the seeds. 春雨使种子发了芽。
- Spring rains bring summer flowers. 春雨带来了夏日百花。
- The spring rain is soaking into the fields. 春雨浸润着田野。
- Spring rain is as precious as oil. 春雨贵如油。
- The air smelled like spring rain. 空气闻起来像是春雨的气息。
- The spring rain was soaking into the earth. 春雨沁润着大地。
- The happiness floats to concuss in the spring rain. 和自己初始的情感。
- Rivers flush with the spring rains. 因春雨而上涨的河水
- The heavy spring rain made the school's sports ground in flood. 这一场瓢泼的春雨使学校运动场成了汪洋一片。
- Because of the spring rains, the farmers had a bounteous crop. 因为下了春雨,农夫获得了丰收。
- Because of the spring rain,the farmers have a bounteous crop. 因为下了春雨,农夫获得了丰收。
- Because of the spring rain, the farmer have a bounteous crop. 因为下了春雨,农夫获得了丰收。
- The heavy spring rain has flooded out the school's sports ground. 这一场瓢泼的春雨使学校运动场成了汪洋一片。
- After a light spring rain, leaves began to sprout from trees. 下了一场小小的春雨后,树木开始长出新芽。
- The first spring rain falling, the soul of our baptism. 春雨的第一次飘落,洗礼着我们的灵魂。