- He turned off the alarm and sprang out of bed. 他止住闹钟,从床上跳了下来。
- I sprang out of bed to answer the door. 我从床上一跃而起去开门。
- He sprang out of bed when the alarm went off. 当警报响的时候, 他从床上猛跳了起来。
- Hearing the knock on the door, he sprang out of bed. 他听到了敲门声便突然从床上跳了出来。
- Feeling so good that you virtually spring out of bed, already enthusing about how marvelous the day ahead is sure to be. 心情大好之下,直接从床上跳起,对自己一天的精彩生活已经势在必得。
- Hearing the knock on the door. he sprang out of bed. 他听到了敲门声便突然从床上跳了出来.
- He made a spring out of bed. 他从床上跳出。
- He is loath to get out of bed on cold morning. 在寒冷的早晨他讨厌起床。
- He took the spring out of the clock but now he can't get it back. 他将钟表里的发条取了出来,可现在装上不了。
- She sprang out of bed and accomplished the two ablutions of soul and body, her prayers and her toilet. 她下了床,做了身心方面双重的洗礼:祈祷和梳洗。
- He got out of bed with a spring. 他一骨碌爬起跳下了床。
- He is loath to get out of bed on cold mornings. 在寒冷的早晨他讨厌起床。
- She dragged herself out of bed, still half asleep. 她挣扎着起了床,还是睡眼惺忪。
- spring out of bed, into action, to one's feet 一跃下床﹑ 立即投入行动﹑ 突然站起
- I sprang out of bed Friday at 3 a.m. and knew the word - it turned out to be my favorite word in the whole world and I think he's the source of the specialness of that word. 我想是因为父亲传递给我的印象是修理过程是如此轻松。所以我感觉惬意。我猜想,这个记忆还显示了:俩个独立的个体可以如此的接近,而仍然保持他们的独立性和唯一性。
- Is Peter up (ie Has he got out of bed) yet? 彼得起床了吗?
- It's force of habit that gets me out of bed at 7.15 each morning. 我每天早晨7点15分就起床,这已成了习惯。
- The farmer routed his sons out of bed early in the morning. 这位农夫一清早就把几个儿子从床上叫起来。
- She sprang out of her chair to greet her father. 她从椅子上跳起来迎接她父亲。
- We tumbled out of bed at 5 o'clock in the morning. 我们清晨五点迷迷糊糊地起了床。