- Spread of Rumor in the Vision of Cultural Poetics 文化诗学视野中的谣言传播
- The spread of pests damaged countless fruit trees. 虫害的蔓延损害了无数果树。
- Attempts are being made to arrest the spread of the disease. 现正设法遏止这种疾病的蔓延。
- The government is urged to take measures to combat the spread of aids. 人们敦促政府采取措施以防止爱滋病的传播。
- The rapid spread of the disease is alarming the medical authorities. 这种疾病的迅速蔓延使医疗当局感到忧虑不安。
- The spread of the prairies was indeed a startling sight. 草原的浩瀚确是奇观。
- The newly developed drug has arrested the spread of the disease. 这种新药遏止了疾病的蔓延。
- All sorts of rumors are going around. 各种谣言正四处流传。
- He spread a lot of rumors to tear her down. 他们散布了许多谣言,把她批评的一无是处来击垮她。
- Some birds have the fanwise spread of their tails. 有些鸟的尾巴展开如扇。
- Crowded conditions favour the spread of disease. 拥挤的条件便于疾病传播。
- Shut doors to delay the spread of fire. 把门关上以延缓火势的蔓延。
- The new drug arrested the spread of the disease . 这种新药阻止了疾病的蔓延。
- We tried hard to check the spread of the disease. 我们努力制止这个疾病的蔓延。
- What is the UN doing to stop the spread of arms? 联合国如何制止武器扩散?
- spread of rumor 谣言传播
- The spread of cholera alarmed us. 霍乱流行使我们恐慌。
- In practice, character assassination may involve double speak, spreading of rumors, innuendo or deliberate misinformation on topics relating to the subject's morals, integrity, and reputation. 在实践中,性格暗杀可能涉及双言巧语、散布谣言、影射或蓄意误导,主题涉及主体的道德、诚信和声誉。
- The bird' s wings have a spread of three feet. 那鸟的双翅展开有3英尺长。
- People who have little commom sense would not believe in such kind of rumor. 有点常识的人都不会相信这样的谣言.