- The whole sprang to their feet and cheered the victorious team. 所有的人一齐站塌来向获胜的队欢呼。
- The whole crowd sprang to their feet and cheered the victorious team. 整个人群立即站起来为胜队欢呼。
- Everyone sprang to their feet(= stood up suddenly)when the principal walked in. 校长进来时,所有的人都立刻站了起来。
- At that moment Wang Ho-fu and Sun Chi-jen were engaged in a tete-a-tete in the conference room; when Wu Sunfu dashed in looking rather distraught, they sprang to their feet in wide-eyed surprise. 当下吴荪甫因为跑急了,神色有点慌张; 正在那办公室里促膝密谈的王和甫和孙吉人就吃了一惊,陡的一齐站起来,睁大了惊愕的眼睛。
- The crowd rose to their feet,cheering wildly. 群众都站起来,热烈地欢呼。
- The audience thereupon rose cheering to their feet. 观众随即起立欢呼。
- Many men, when very angry, regress to their childhood and show their bad temper by shouting and stamping their feet. 很多人,盛怒之下又退回到孩提时代,边大喊大叫边跺脚地发脾气。
- Some of the Fomorians sprang to their feet, but before any of them could grasp a weapon, the Dagda called out to his harp on the wall, ``Come to me, O my harp!'' 其中几个佛莫瑞人一下子跳了起来。但是不等他们拿起武器,达格达就朝墙上的竖琴喊道:“回来吧,我的魔琴。”
- The audience came to their feet as the National Anthem was played. 奏国歌时,观众们全体起立。
- The firemen sprang to their places when the alarm rang. 警报器一响,消防队员跳到他们各自位置上。
- sprang to their feetv. 一跃而起(匆匆站起)
- He sprang to his feet and rushed out of the room. 他跳起身奔出了房间。
- The guests rose to their feet, applauding the golden couple. 客人们都站起来,一齐为这对金婚夫妇喝彩。
- The silver bells tinkled again, and everybody rose to their feet. 铃声又响,众人慢慢站起。
- The guests rose to their feet,applauding the golden couple. 大家都站了起来,为金婚夫妻鼓掌祝贺。
- He suddenly sprang to his feet when he learnt the news. 当他得知这消息时,他突然间跳了起来。
- spring to their feetvi. 一跃而起(匆匆站起)
- Tears of joy sprang to [into] her eyes. 她眼中涌出了高兴的泪水,
- At the end of the performance,the audience rose to their feet cheering wildly. 演出结束时,观众都站起来疯狂地喝彩。
- He sprang to his feet after rolling on the ground. 他在地上打了个滚,挺身跳了起来。