- He was watch ing the crowd go by. 他注视着人群走过。
- Consumer goods production was to go up by6.6percent ing that city. 在那个城市消费品生产将增长6.6%。
- A device,such as a pawl,for triggering a mechanism. 启动装置一种启动某一机械设置的装置
- The Universe is of Ten Thousand Li Spr. 乾坤万里春。
- The pawl,wheel,or bar of this mechanism. 棘轮,棘爪,棘条这种机械装置中的爪状物,转轮或长条
- The pawl, wheel, or bar of this mechanism. 棘轮,棘爪,棘条这种机械装置中的爪状物,转轮或长条
- He is ey(e)ing a run for the governor next year. 他在考虑明年要竞选州长。
- Does a derivatory obligation exist ( catch / pawl)? 是否是安全件(旋转卡板/止动爪)?
- The act of ro ing someone at gu oint. 持枪相威胁,抢夺他人财物的行为。
- In the sho ing mall, which is o osite the hotel. 在旅馆对面的购物中心里。
- Ing importance to finish the project this week. 最重要的是本星期要完成这一项目。
- The rain was lash ing hard against the door. 雨猛烈地打着门。
- Pawl is a simple device which allows a shaft to turn only one way. 掣爪是一种非常简单的只让转轴往一个方向转动的装置。
- Fluting andsing ing are heard all night. 笙歌不夜。
- I'd vacuum before I left in the morn ing. 在上午离家前反正我要用吸尘器吸一遍地。
- The dogs were quest ing for rabbits. 猎狗正在搜寻兔子。
- Two hawks were hover ing overhead. 两只鹰在头顶盘旋。
- Wuxi SPR air-Jet Weaving Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 无锡丝普兰喷气织机制造有限公司。
- An overview of important SPR application in biology is shown. 给出应用表面等离激元共振研究生物单元相互作用的实例。
- My favorite green,is like a touch of fresh tea in early spr... 清新绿色,一抹清新的早春茶味,唤醒细腻淡雅的时髦风味。