- Our corporation is appointed manufacturer of swiss sunrise watch. Watch type have: amatory watch, lady watch, sport watch,. 瑞士sunrise手表指定生产厂家,可为您提供礼品表订制服务,瑞士手表,国产价格。
- Barack Obama has a chunky looking sports watch that has sparked a small internet industry. 奥巴马这款看上去有点园胖的运动型腕表,已引发一个小小的网上热卖。
- Our sports watch includes altimeter,barometer,electronics compass,weather forecast indication,pedometer,heart rate meter and calorie burning.. 生产加工,经销批发)主营:登山运动手表;滑雪运动手表;指南针手表;心率手表;游泳系列;
- Certina sport watches set the standard in water resistance. Certina运动表对防水性设置了标准。
- A series of rough, sports watches for you to choose from. 一系列粗犷、运动型的手表可供您选择。
- Cash and prizes include US$500 and an Argenti sports watch for the Gold Champion, US$300 and an Argenti sports watch for the Silver Champion, and US$100 each for the two Bronze Champions. 月赛的冠军将获得500美金和一块爱峻达腕表,亚军将获得300美元和一块爱峻达腕表。第三第四名将分别获得100美元的奖金。
- I like to watch TV programs which are about sports. 我喜欢观赏有关运动的电视节目。
- As the Swiss leader in medium-priced sport watches, Certina has always championed the best quality at an accessible price. 作为瑞士中档运动表的领头羊,Certina总是以平易近人的价格,力争提供质量最优的产品。
- Indeed, all sportsmen and sportswomen know that time is one of the most important things to keep track of which is why they need the best sports watches. 逝去的日子 , 人们习惯戴手表只知道时间。手表目前正带出今天的制造商包括许多其他功能了。
- Men used to bait bulls and bears for sport. 从前人们常逗弄牛和熊取乐。
- Our team swept the board in the sports games. 我们代表队在运动会中大获全胜。
- Volleyball is a sport of which I am very fond. 排球是我很喜欢的运动。
- This sport jacket will match those pants nicely. 这件运动衫和那条短裤很相配。
- Aerobatics is a dangerous sport. 特技飞行是危险的运动。
- The hunting group had good sport today. 今天打猎小组满载而归。
- We will play sports or go on a picnic. 我们将做户外运动或去野餐。
- My brother wants to buy a sport jacket. 我弟弟想买一件运动衫。
- The sport of gymnastics is popular in our country. 体操运动在我国很流行。
- It will doubtless rain on sports day. 开运动会那天多半会下雨。
- I'm very keen on outdoor sports. 我非常喜欢室外运动。