- sports core issue 体育核心期刊
- Berdahl: Well, I think that is the core issue. 伯达尔:我觉得,这才是核心问题。
- Asymmetric information theory is the core issue in the information economics. 不对称信息理论是信息经济学的核心问题。
- The core issue of DGW is encoding and decoding with topology graphs. 动态图软件水印技术的核心部分就是图的编解码问题。
- Ensuring proper central nerve system( CNS) development is the core issue in premature infant care. 摘要保护神经发育是近年来早产儿照护的核心议题,由于睡眠(为)态是早产儿神经系统成熟度及统整与否的良好指针,了解早产儿的睡眠型态是提供发展性照护非常重要的议题。
- Control administration cost and raise its efficiency are the core issue of realizing its management system reform. 摘要控制行政成本,提高行政效率,是实现行政管理体制改革的核心问题。
- "Structure" in the ethnic administration study and ethnic narration is definitely the core issue of ethnography. 摘要治民族研究,民族叙事中“结构”必然是民族志的核心问题;
- There are basically two core issues to bear in mind. 有两个核心问题需要考虑。
- Admissibility of evidence is the core issue of evidence law in common law system. 证据的可采性是英美证据法的核心问题。
- Core periodical has become the core issue in academic circle,periodical circle and education cirde. 核心期刊已成为学术界、期刊界和教育界普遍关注的核心问题。
- To understand the problematic of consumer protection in the common market context is to understand the core issue of European market integration. 理解共同市场范围内的消费者保护问题是理解欧洲市场一体化的核心问题。
- The core issue - the Israel-Palestine conflict - can be settled by diplomacy, if the US and Israel abandon their rejectionist commitments. 问题的核心就在于:只要美国和以色列愿意放弃一贯的霸道作风,那麽以巴冲突便能透过外交手段迎刃而解;
- The consumption structure is not only the core issue of consumption field, but also the essential issue during the reproduction process. 摘要消费结构,不仅是消费领城的中心问题,也是社会再生产运行中的一个极重要的问题。
- Economic growth is one of the core issues in the macroeconomics field. 经济增长是宏观经济学领域的核心问题之一。
- The Delegation said that this was regarding the core issue of development and the question of integrating them into all areas of WIPO's work and mandate. 代表团说,这是事关发展的核心问题与将之融入WIPO各方面工作与使命之中的问题。
- When the dependencies or parameters are more imprecise,how to reason from the imprecise information becomes core issue to evaluate influence diagrams effectively. 当事物的依赖关系或者相关参数值无法精确描述时,如何利用非精确的信息进行推理已成为提高影响图决策效率的关键问题。
- Rather than gain leverage by adopting a nuanced position on the core issue of Tibet, India continues to be overcautious in its diplomacy, even when Beijing acts antagonistically. 印度没有在西藏的核心问题上采取微妙的立场,而是继续缩手缩脚地外交,甚至当北京采取敌对行为时也如此。
- Men used to bait bulls and bears for sport. 从前人们常逗弄牛和熊取乐。
- Our team swept the board in the sports games. 我们代表队在运动会中大获全胜。
- For a bank to quick up the establishment of financial enterprise, it must boost the personnel inspiriting and restricting system focusing on this core issue. 银行要加快建立现代金融企业,就必须围绕这一核心问题,推进人事与激励与约束机制改革。