- We should strengthen maternal health care,encourage spontaneous vaginal delivery and control the indications for cesarean section. 应加强孕产期保健,鼓励产妇阴道分娩,严格掌握剖宫产指征。
- normal, spontaneous vaginal delivery 正常阴道自然分娩
- spontaneous vaginal delivery normal 正常阴道自然分娩
- spontaneous vaginal delivery 自然阴道分娩
- She told me about an American patient who c ame with a detailed plan for a vaginal delivery only to have an emergency cesare an. 她告诉我,一个美国病人来医院时带了一份详细的阴道分娩计划,到头来还是剖腹产。
- RESULTS AND CONCLUSION The development of vaginal delivery systems has a bright future. 结果和结论阴道给药制剂有良好的开发前景。
- It is usually performed when vaginal delivery would endanger the life or health of the mother or the child. 通常当阴道产会给母体或子体带来危险时就采用剖腹产。
- Objective:To investigate the time and safeness of vaginal delivery with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM). 目的探讨妊娠期糖尿病的阴道分娩时机及阴道分娩的安全性。
- Should episiotomy be routinely performed in our Chinese women during normal vaginal delivery? 应否对所有以正常阴道分娩的中国产妇施行会阴切开术?
- The obstetrician opted for Cesarean section in order to avoid stress during vaginal delivery. 在接续的剖腹生产中,维持血行动力学的稳定,对避免颅内出血及其他并发症的产生十分重要。
- Loss of bladder neck support is often attributed to injury occurring during vaginal delivery. 对膀胱颈的控制失常常是由于经阴道分娩时的损失引起.
- The structured intervention evaluated in this study produces a small, nonsignificant increase in the rate of spontaneous vaginal birth among women evaluated in labor assessment units. 在分娩评价单位中,结构化介入评估在这项研究中产生了微小的、无足轻重的自然阴道分娩率增加。
- Methods:A total of 4816 primiparas with vaginal delivery or cesarean section were studied. 方法:对4816例分娩的初产妇,采用弯盘、量杯收集测量产后2小时内及术中出血量。
- Objective To observed the analgesic effect of the bilateral blocking of pudendal nerves in vaginal delivery. 目的观察双侧阴部神经阻滞麻醉用于阴道分娩镇痛效果。
- Compared with vaginal delivery, the puerperal morbidity and infection after cesarean sect... 二组病历中胎膜早破分别占26.;9%25和31
- OBJECTIVE To provide references for the development of novel drug preparations by introducing the advances of vaginal delivery systems in recent years. 目的介绍近年来阴道给药制剂的研究进展,为新型药物制剂的开发提供参考。
- One research review found that vaginal delivery with the use of forceps or vacuum assistance could make sex painful for some time after childbirth. 一项研究发现,使用助产钳或真空吸引器来协助生产,女性生产完后一段时间性行为可能感到痛楚。
- Vaginal delivery is often possible in subsequent pregnancies. Cesarean section carries the usual risks of major surgery. 曾经剖腹产的人,日后怀孕时仍可阴道产。剖腹产所冒的风险就像是动大手术一样。
- Results The incidence of obstetric hysterectomy in cesarean section was significantly higher than that in vaginal delivery. 结果剖宫产子宫切除率高于阴道分娩子宫切除率;
- Abstract: Objective:To study the relation between the fetal weight and partogram by analysing the partograms for vaginal delivery of large fetus. 摘 要: 目的:通过对巨大胎儿阴道分娩产程图分析,以了解胎儿体重与产程图的关系。