- spontaneous generation theory 自然发生说
- The scarab beetle was the symbol of Spontaneous Generation, New Life, and Resurrection. 圣甲虫是新生命和复活自然发生的符号。
- Claims made for spontaneous generation are now attributed to an innocent form of self-deception. 现在认为元生源论的发表是来自天真的自欺。
- theory of spontaneous generation 自然发生论
- Nature was widely believed to be unstable and capricious, with monstrous births from union between species, and spontaneous generation of life. 人们普遍认为自然是不稳定和反复无常的,种间结合产生出畸形怪胎,生命是自然发生的。
- In 1860 Louis Pasteur performed experiments that eventually disproved “spontaneous generation,” the idea that life continually arose from nonliving things. 1860年,路易斯巴斯德做了个实验,最终反驳了“自然发生说”,这一说认为生命源源不断于无生命的物体。
- We owe the general theory of relativity to Einstein . 我们把相对论这个理论归功于爱因斯坦。
- A full analysis requires the general theory of relativity. 全面的分析必须用广义相对论处理。
- If we could document the spontaneous generation of just one complex life-form from inanimate matter, then at least a few creatures seen in the fossil record might have originated this way. 要是复杂生物可以从没有生命的物质自然发生,我们只要提出证据,哪怕只是一件,那麽我们就可以推论,化石记录上至少有一些生物也许就是以同样的方式形成的。
- Two years later he announced his general theory of relativity. 二年以后他发表了他的一般相对论。
- We owe the general theory of relativity to Einstein. 我们把相对论这个理论归功于爱因斯坦。
- The Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity II. 广义相对论基础2。
- General theory of national accounting and analyse II. 国民核算与分析通论2。
- Newton's theory of gravitation is an approximation of a more general theory. 牛顿的引力理论只是一种更普遍理论的近似形式。
- We owe the discovery of the general theory of relativity to Einstein. 我们将一般相对论的发现归功于爱因斯坦。
- It is estimated that 10 megawatts of solar photovoltaic cells, the annual power generation theory 22,000,000 kwh, saving more than 7,000 tons of coal. 据测算,10兆瓦太阳能光伏电池,每年可理论发电2200万千瓦时,节约7000余吨煤。
- The basis path testing, which is presented by McCabe, is a path generation theory based on the concept of ‘radix’ in mathematics. 基本路径测试是由McCabe提出的一种以数学上“基”的概念为依据的测试路径生成理论。
- It is only the latter with which the general theory of errors is concerned. 误差的基本理论只与后者有关。
- Spontaneous generation The erroneous belief that modern living organisms can be formed directly and spontaneously from inorganic material, given the right conditions (abiogenesis). 自然发生学说:是认为现代生命体可以在适当条件(自然发生)下直接由无机物自然形成的错误观点。
- General Theory of Membrane Stresses in Vessels under Internal Pressure. 内部压力下容器中的膜压力基本原理。