- Benedictus Sanctus Spiritus, Paraclitus. 赞美护慰者圣神。
- Nitro Boosts: Now have a 5-second duration. 硝基推进器现在有5秒持续时间。
- Et exultavit spiritus meus in Deo salutari meo. 我的心灵欢跃于我的救主、天主 ...
- Enable nitro >>>get one nitro-pack. 使硝基“”>“获取一个硝基包。
- In nomine patris, et filii et spiritus sancti. 以圣父、圣子和圣灵的名义。
- In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen (因父;及子;及圣神之名....
- Calves, demi-calves, goats, open grain bufles, nitro leathers. 本产品适合于小牛皮,半小牛皮,山羊皮,裂痕皮,硝化皮等
- The NITRO development environment contains a ROM file system. NITRO开发环境包含一个ROM文件系统。
- Get loud, get wild, go out in style with the RTR Nitro 3 Drift! 取得响亮,获得野生,走出去,在风格与rtr硝基3漂移!
- You get it half off when purchased with the nitro nutrient combo. 跟硝基营养组合一起购买。可享受半价。
- Beati pauperes spiritu, quoniam ipsorum est regnum caelorum. 3神贫的人是有福的,因为天国是他们的。
- Iesu Christre, cum Sancto Spiritu: in Gloria Dei Prris. Amen.? 耶稣基督,你和圣神,同享天主圣父的光荣。阿们。
- Ozone is formed in the reaction, and a nitro derivative of the olefin. 在反应中形成臭氧及烯烃的硝基衍生物。
- Nitramines are substances which contain a nitro group bonded to nitrogen. 含有与氮原子相连的硝基的物质称为硝胺。
- NITRO-Viewer is an application that runs on an NITRO retail product. NITRO预览器是运行在NITRO零售产品(或许是指主机)上的应用程序。
- Et incarnates est de Spiritu sancto, ex Maria Virgine: et homo factus est. 祂因圣神,由童贞玛利亚取得肉躯,而成为人。
- Three mushrooms (Auricularia auricula, Boletus aereus, and Tremella fuciformis) were studied by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. 利用傅里叶变换红外光谱仪对三种食用菌(黑木耳、黑牛肝菌、银耳)样品进行了研究。
- Boletus aereus has a distinct effect of lowering the blood lipid and antioxidation in rats. 黑牛肝菌对大鼠有明显的降血脂及抗氧化作用。
- Complete transformation of the nitro group to chloropicrin takes place in the reaction. 硝基在反应中完全转变成氯苦。
- The Boletus aereus freezing pattern was studied through analyzing the freezing curve at different temperature, freezing speed and juice leakage by liquid nitrogen flash freezer. 采用液氮速冻;研究在不同的冻结温度下黑牛肝菌的冻结温度曲线及其冻结速度和汁液流失率之间的关系等.