- Falling in love is a profound spiritual experience. 恋爱是一种深奥的精神体验。
- Religion to Meggie was a set of laws rather than a spiritual experience it couldn't help her at all. 宗教对麦琪与其说是一种精神灵感,倒不如说是一种法则,它不可能帮助她。
- India tour is a combination of spiritual experience being in an ashram setting, getting the training in the Himalayan Tradition and experience the rich tradition of India. 印度之旅是一次体验静修中心喜马拉雅瑜伽传统和丰富的印度文化的经历。
- It was their afflictions that refined their personal and corporate spiritual experience. 他们在个人的改变和与圣灵合作的经验上;经历了许多的痛苦。
- The interaction between man and nature which provides man with spiritual experience and consolations in various forms. 三是体现了在人与自然的互动过程中,自然赋予人的心灵体验,并以各种形式慰藉人们的心灵(忌讳、赞美等)。
- That spiritual experience impacted the mind of Jonas Salk and he came home knowing he would find a cure for polio. He was a changed person. He was creatively inspired. 他回到家,知道自己必能找出治疗方法,他已经改变了,他充满了创意,他抓紧那粒芥菜种子,其馀的都是历史。
- Humanism education is to compose the students" spiritual living interspaces so that human sensibility life could be incessant sublimed through spiritual experience and cognize. 人文教育就是要通过教育构建学生的精神生活空间,使人的感性生命通过对精神的体验、认知得到不断的升华。
- In this way, I believe, it is possible to reconcile the authority of the continuing spiritual experience of the Christian fellowship with personal freedom of thought. 在这种方式下,我认为基督教整体的属灵的长远的经验,可以跟个人的思想自由,有可能获得和解。
- He was anxious to see his master and tell him about his spiritual experiences. 他就想要进去看师父,向师父报告他的体验等等。
- Speaking, listening and looking in the classroom teaching ref le ct the students' existence state, way of thinking and spiritual experience as we ll as the real ideas of education and influence of education on students. 课堂教学中的说、、反映出学生的生存状态、维方式、神体验,同时也反映出教育的真正理念、育对学生的影响。
- The earnest guests asked many spiritual questions. Most of them had already had some spiritual experience; therefore they understood that the Quan Yin Method can truly bring them immediate enlightenment. 来宾非常踊跃地提出修行问题,他们大部份都是已有灵修经验者,所以能完全理解观音法门确实可以让人即刻开悟。
- As you can see from this brief sampling of apocryphal scriptures, the books that were left out of the fourth century Bible tended to promote personal spiritual experience and contemplation. 从上面有关经外经的简短介绍中可知,被排除在第四世纪圣经之外的经典,多数提倡个人灵修体验以及打坐冥想。
- Like a bull in a china shop, Sumo is destroying the delicate spiritual experience of the Zen garden by trampling all over it.Once the garden is destroyed, he moves onto the next garden. 就像一头公牛闯进了瓷器店一样,相扑闯进禅宗寺院破环了寺庙的安宁,一旦这座寺院被破坏了,他会到下一个寺院继续搞破坏!
- What I have learned from my spiritual experiences is that the Sound cleanses us first and then allows us to travel to these other dimensions. 透过修行体验,我了解到我们必须先用音流净化自己,然后才能遨游高等的境界。
- Individuals with special spiritual experiences without the Biblical groundings and support should not be taken as normative and/or exemplar. 个别信徒的特殊属灵经验,若缺乏圣经真理的支持,不应作为其他信徒的楷模。
- The Master would go into trances or open his heart in religious discourses and in the narration of his own spiritual experiences. 师父会进入出神状态,或者会在谈论宗教问题上吐露心中的隐秘,又或者会叙述自己的灵性经历。
- First, he was an Incarnation of God, a specially commissioned person, whose spiritual experiences were for the benefit of humanity. 第一,他是神的化身,一个有特别使命的人,他的灵性经历是为了人类的福祗。
- She also discusses how to distinguish between true and illusory spiritual experiences, and how to achieve a balance between our free will and Gods will. 我们如何分辨真正的灵性体验与幻想?如何在自我意志和上帝旨意间取得平衡点?
- He was destined to be a mute witness of many of the spiritual experiences of Sri Ramakrishna and the caretaker of his body during the stormy days of his spiritual practice. 他注定要成为室利罗摩克里希纳很多灵性体验的无言见证者,也在罗摩克里希纳灵性练习期间暴风雨般的日子照料他。
- Commonly reported spiritual experiences include feeling and hearing a presence, seeing a figure, seeing lights (sometimes emanating from a person) and being afraid. 被普遍报道的精神体验包括:感到或听到一位精灵,看风一个人物,看见光线(有时从一个人身上发出)以及感到恐惧。