- Spiritual beings dwell three feet over our head. 头上三尺有神灵。
- Respecting spiritual beings but keeping aloof from them. 敬鬼神而远之
- The doctrine or study of spiritual beings and phenomena, especially the belief in spirits intervening between human beings and God. 灵物学关于精神性的存在和物质现象的学说或研究,特别是对人类和上帝间精神交汇的信仰
- The eighth of the nine orders of spiritual beings in medieval angelology. 第八级天使中世纪天使学中九级天使的第八级
- The third is to treat all spiritual beings with equal respect and harmony. 第三是对待所有的精神的(心灵的或宗教的)存在以平等的尊重与和睦。
- Once they, like Gul’dan, had been deeply spiritual beings. 曾经,他们和古尔丹一样,是深厚的精神存在;
- The soul was`believed to be a birdlike spiritual being. 灵魂被认为是似鸟的在精神上的存在.
- Love: Love is the highest spiritual being in the world. 爱:爱是世界上最崇高的精神存在。
- Your spiritual being thrives in the harmony and love of nature. 在自然的和谐和热爱中,我们的精神存在不断丰富;
- He is even mobilizing the many spiritual beings in the spirit world to carry out the mission. 耶稣甚至动员了许多在灵界的灵人一起来推动这项使命。
- All areas had nurturing centres for children which taught them how to become spiritual beings. 各地都有育儿中心,在那里教育他们如何成为灵性存在。
- Most Taiwanese shamans impute the cause of disease to spiritual beings or supernatural forces. 童乩大多将病因归咎于鬼神或超自然力量。
- Chanting helps us understand our true nature as eternal spiritual beings, beyond the physical body. 唱诵能帮助我们理解真正的本性--超越于物质躯体的永恒灵魂。
- The doctrine or study of spiritual beings and phenomena, especially the belief in spiritsintervening between human beings and God. 灵物学关于精神性的存在和物质现象的学说或研究,特别是对人类和上帝间精神交汇的信仰。
- Rule of intelligence (wisdom): Conscious beings, respect the only Creator of everyone and everything.(He is the most important for all spiritual beings. 智能法则(智慧):意识生命,尊重每个人和每件事的唯一创造者。(对所有灵性存在他是最重要的。
- At once Subodh's latent spirituality was awakened. 苏波得潜在的灵性力量马上被唤醒了。
- You are a spiritual being created by God to be a success on your human journey. 你就会做神呼召你要做的。
- Rule of intelligence (wisdom) : Conscious beings, respect the only Creator of everyone and everything. (He is the most important for all spiritual beings. 智能法则(智慧):意识生命,尊重每个人和每件事的唯一创造者。(对所有灵性存在他是最重要的。)
- To what extent, as a person connected with Anthroposophy, do I live the thought of my own spiritual presence and of co-working with other spiritual beings? 作为一个人智学工作者,我将如何按照自己的精神体所呈现的想法来生活并与其他的精神体合作?
- Spiritualism was a fad in full flower for half a century. 唯灵论曾是一种时尚,风行了半个世纪之久。