- Within a thin disk, the spiral arms exhibit a pinwheel structure. 在单薄的圆盘体上,螺旋臂呈现出一个风车状结构。
- The 100 billion stars of this galaxy are chiefly located in two spiral arms that extend from the nucleus. 这个星系所属的1000亿颗恒星主要分布在从核心伸展出来的两条旋臂上。
- In looking at the Carina Nebula we are seeing the genesis of star making as it commonly occurs along the dense spiral arms of a galaxy. 通过对船底座星云的观察,我们看到了通常沿银河密集的旋臂所诞生恒星的起源。
- Younger blue stars trace the spiral arms, along with pinkish nebulae that are illuminated by new star formation. 沿着被附近年轻恒星诞生区的恒星照亮的粉红色(氢气)星云(区域),年轻的蓝巨星在旋臂上显现踪迹;
- Like ripples in a pond, the spiral arms seen in this kind of galaxy are circling waves. 像涟漪在一个池塘,螺旋武器看到在这样的星系是盘旋波。
- Suppose a spiral arm rotated around the center of its galaxy in about 250 million years -- as in the Milky Way. 假设一条旋臂绕其星系中心一周大约2.;5亿年,就像银河一样。
- Prominent spiral arms traced by dark dust lanes and blue star clusters lend this galaxy its popular name of the Southern Pinwheel. 显著的旋臂上存在着黑暗的尘埃带和蓝色星团,因此该星系也就被称为南风车星系。
- Another possibility is that large-scale spiral waves in the disk, similar to the spiral arms observed in galaxies, hasten the inflow of matter. 另一个可能性是,类似星系旋臂的大尺度螺旋波,加剧了物质的向内流动。
- Grand spiral galaxies often seem to get all the glory, flaunting their young, bright, blue star clusters in beautiful, symmetric spiral arms. 大螺旋星系似乎拥有所有的荣耀,不断炫耀他们对称旋臂中蓝色星团的年轻,明亮,及美丽。
- Astronomers think the smaller blue galaxy peeking through the spiral arms may have actually punched a hole in the larger galaxy. 天文学家认为通过螺旋臂的蓝色小银河系可能实际上在大星系中打了一个洞。
- One result is that M101, also called the Pinwheel Galaxy, has several extremely bright star-forming regions (called HII regions) spread across its spiral arms. 其结果之一是,M101,也被称为风车星系,其有几个极其明亮的恒星形成区域(称为HII区)分布在它的旋臂。
- A spiral galaxy is shaped like a disk with a bulge in the center.The disk resembles a pinwheel, with bright spiral arms that coil out from the central bulge. 旋涡星系的外形像一只中心凸起的盘子,盘面类似纸风车,明亮的旋涡臂从中心的凸起盘旋而出。
- This makes space telescope invaluable for identifying a rare class of pulsating stars, called Cepheid Variable stars embedded within M100';s spiral arms. 这对于从M100的旋臂中分辨出暗藏的造父变星有着莫大价值。
- Gravitational interactions between galaxies in the group have also left telltale signs, including the warped and inflated disk of NGC 3628 and the drawn out spiral arms of M66. 这组星系之间的重力作用造成了一些明显的效应,其中包括NGC 3628 扭曲且膨胀的星系盘,以及M66被拉长的漩涡臂。
- Did the gravity of our galaxy's spiral arms force them into oddball orbits, or are they immigrants, formed in regions beyond the Milky Way from material that was never part of it? 它们是否受我们星系旋臂的重力所迫而进入古怪的轨道?或者根本就是源自银河系之外,由不属于本星系的材料所建构出的外来移民呢?
- Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun. 在银河系西螺旋臂的末端那片未曾标明的寂静虚空中,悬挂着一颗不被人注意的小小的黄色太阳。
- As the ship continued spinning in the center of the doughy burst, the substance swirled outward like the spiral arms of a galaxy and flattened like a hand-tossed pizza crust. 当船之时继续的在 doughy 破裂的中心中纺织,像银河的螺旋形手臂一样的向外被摇晃的物质而且像手投掷的比萨外壳一样变平。
- WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A new space telescope that looks at the cosmos with infrared detectors has lifted the dust veils from newborn stars and a bumptious comet, and revealed the detail in the spiral arms of a neighboring galaxy. 华盛顿(路透社)---一种能通过红外线观测宇宙的新型太空望远镜已经揭开了覆盖在一些新诞生的恒星和一颗()彗星上的宇宙尘面纱,向我们显示了一个邻近银河系的旋臂的详细情况。
- This means that we can't see the spiral arms - instead, we can see just how thin the disk is, and examine the dust lanes at the midplane of the disk and the stars that extend above and below it. 这意味着我们不能看到星系的螺旋臂,而只能看到极薄的圆盘体,以及探查到星系平面的尘埃和脱离星系平面的恒星。
- This impressively sharp color image shows intense star forming regions at the ends of the bar and along the spiral arms, as well as details of dust lanes cutting across the galaxy's bright core. 这张令人印象深刻、清晰的彩色影像,显示了在星系棒的末端及沿着旋臂区域出现了致密的恒星形成区域,同时还能看到尘埃带横穿了明亮的星系核。