- spiral wave dynamics 旋波动力学
- Angular Momentum Transports by Moving Spiral Waves. 移动螺旋波角动量传输。
- M.F. Harrison, P.T. Stanev.Measuring wave dynamics in IC engine intake systems. 杨寿藏,陈云彪,现代先进发动机技术-进排气系统(一).;柴油机设计与制造,2001(1)
- If the satellite has an elliptical orbit, the result is a spiral wave, a miniature version of the pinwheel pattern of our galaxy. 如果卫星的轨道是椭圆的,就会产生螺旋波,就像是银河系纸风车形状的缩影。
- Results:At present mechanism of atrial fibrillation is mostly the multiple wavelet bypothesis and spiral wave bypothesis and so on. 结果:目前认为房颤的发生机制主要是多发微折返环学说和自旋波折返学说等。
- Shields has published a number of technical works, including a revolutionary theory of water wave dynamics he developed as a graduate student (Journal of Fluid Mechanics, July, 1986). Shields先生发表了大量技术著作,包括他攻读研究生时发表的革命性理论《水纹动力学》(《流体力学杂志》,1986年7月)。
- Water wave dynamics and its interactions on hydraulic structures for plannjing,layout and design in the engineering of water resoures,water transportation and power generation in coastal,estuarine of offshore areas. 海岸、河口的水利、水运、水电工程中水工规划、平面布置、结构设计的水动力因素及其与建筑物相互作用。
- It is important, in the studies of geomorphological changes of beach and harbor engineering, to analyze the characteristics of sediment transport in response to the seasonal wave dynamics. 摘要响应季节性波候作用的泥沙输运特征是研究弧形海滩地貌变化及港工建筑的重要内容。
- Just as sound waves transport energy through the air, spiral waves can transport both energy and angular momentum outward and facilitate the accretion of material inward. 就像声波在空气中传播能量,螺旋波可向外传递能量与角动量,使物质易于向内累积。
- Racah's way and the diagoal and invariant principle,this note derives two spectral formulas,and by use of the variation method of wave dynamics obtains the energy value of the two spectral formulas. 本文利用拉卡方法与对角和不变法则导出氦原子组态的两个谱项式,利用波动力学的变分法得出两谱项的能量值,结果与实验值相比较,符合得较好。
- Another possibility is that large-scale spiral waves in the disk, similar to the spiral arms observed in galaxies, hasten the inflow of matter. 另一个可能性是,类似星系旋臂的大尺度螺旋波,加剧了物质的向内流动。
- But the spiral waves in these systems do not appear to be large enough to produce the rate of matter inflow needed to explain the observed radiation from the disks. 但是这些系统中的螺旋波似乎还不够大,其所造成物质的向内流量,不足以解释观测到的圆盘辐射。
- In the numerical experiment,we successfully alter the propagating direction of planar waves and drift the spiral waves to boundary without resonant repulsion. 结果表明:行波的传播方向被改变而螺旋波产生漂移,当施加的控制强度达到阈值时,螺旋波被驱除出边界。
- Suppression of a Spiral Wave Using Linear Feedback 线性反馈抑制螺旋波
- attractive wave dynamics in marine 海洋引力波动力学
- The Theory and Application of Wave Dynamics 水波动力学的理论与应用
- Based on Biot's theory,using Fourier transform and potential function,the wave dynamic equations for Biot's theory can be deduced to several Helmholtz equations. 基于Biot理论,利用Fourier变换和势函数方法,将Biot波动方程化为一组Helmholtz方程。
- Through feature studies of earthquake wave dynamic of double-eventsequence, the possibility to distinguish foreshocks of second main shock hasbeen proposed in this paper. 本文通过对双震型地震序列的地震波动力学特征的研究,提出了识别双震中第二主震前震的可能性。
- The theory behind wave dynamics and ebb currents 必须每月都要节省关于海浪动力学和退潮洋流的理论
- Military budget continue to spiral. 军费预算继续上升。