- The watertight seal of Changzhuang reservoir spillway tunnel is irregular and ageing, having caused severe leakage. 常庄水库泄洪洞伸缩缝极不规则且止水均已老化,渗漏严重。
- The Heihe River project's excavation volume is huge from the original wing wall design for the right-hank spillway tunnel, which increased investment. 摘要黑河水利枢纽在设计与施工过程中基础开挖量较大,增加了工程投资。
- The type selection of the gyrating flow spillway tunnel is made in two alternatives of horizontal free gyrating flow and submerged flow. 右岸旋流泄洪洞选型研究是在水平旋流自由流推荐方案与淹没流推荐方案的基础上进行的。
- The geological condition in the inlet of spillway tunnel of Hengquan Reservoir is very complex,rock wheathering is severe and the stability of adjoining rock of tunnel is bad. 横泉水库泄洪洞进口地质条件复杂,岩石风化严重,围岩稳定性较差。
- Its rehabilitation design has been typical in hydro power sector.This paper introduces the rehabilitation design on spillway,emergency spillway and spillway tunnel. 本文对卢村水库各类泄水建筑物如正常溢洪道、非常溢洪道、泄洪隧洞等的除险加固设计进行了介绍。
- Abstract: The discharge capacity of a pressure spillway tunnel is a key problem involving its scale and sizes, and it also is a hydraulic issue needed to be solved in design. 摘要: 鉴于猴子石滑坡地质条件复杂,地理位置与保护对象又十分重要,必须采取行之有效的工程措施对其进行综合治理。
- Taking the newly constructed Spillway tunnel of a large reservoir in Shanxiprovince as an example, this paper has studied the experimental simulation method and its techniques for the rock plug blasting in mud. 以山西省汾河水库新增建的泄洪隧洞为例,研究了在淤泥下岩塞爆破的试验模拟方法、试验技术以及有关的试验成果;
- The excavation of the right slope of the approach channel for the inlet of the spillway tunnel in Heihe Water Control Project has a significant effect upon the construction quality and the cost of the project. 摘要黑河水利枢纽右岸溢洪洞进口引渠右岸边坡的开挖方案,是影响该工程质量和造价的突出问题。
- intake tower for long spillway tunnel 深孔泄洪洞进水塔
- gate chamber in spillway tunnel at right bank 泄洪洞
- Dragon-Rraise-Head free flow spillway tunnel 龙抬头泄洪洞
- anti-arc segment of spillway tunnel 泄洪洞反弧连接段
- dragon-raise-head free flow spillway tunnel 龙抬头明流泄洪洞
- Based on the previous research since 1981, this paper has given a brief introduction and comments on cavitation of ogee-section in spillway tunnels. 根据国内外大量的工程实例,在前人研究的基础上,系统总结了龙抬头泄洪洞反弧段空化特性和空蚀成因,分析了反弧段掺气减蚀和抗蚀体型的现有成果。
- Support Pattern on Inlet of Spillway Tunnel of Hengquan Reservoir 横泉水库泄洪洞进口支护方法
- Study on Water Current Aeration of Xiluodu No. 3 Spillway Tunnel 溪洛渡3号泄洪洞水流掺气问题研究
- The Optimum Shape of Aerator at the Spillway Tunnel of Slight Slope and Low Fr 小底坡、低Fr数泄洪洞掺气坎体型优化研究
- Inlet Channel Slope Treatment Design for Spillway Tunnel of Shanxi Reservoir 珊溪水库泄洪洞进水渠边坡处理设计
- They are building a submarine cable tunnel. 他们正在建设一条海底电缆隧道。
- Numerical simulation on configuration optimization of a spillway tunnel 泄水建筑物体型优选的数值模拟研究