- The effects of stress at work can spill over into home life. 工作压力所造成的后果会影响家庭生活。
- Allow one's private sentiments to spill over into a report. 让个人情绪在一篇报告里流露出来。
- The controversy has spilled over into other fields. 这场争论已经扩大到其它领域。
- If you enjoy your commute, happiness will spill over into how you fell at work. 慢慢地,那些无关紧要的事情将会奇迹般地远离你。
- If you enjoy you commute,happiness will spill over into how you feel at work. 如果你享受这段上下班的时间,你就会感到工作中洋溢着快乐。
- Eisenhower's personal victory was not going to spill over into the state or congressional races. 艾森豪威尔的个人胜利,显然还没有在州或国会议员选举方面发生作用。
- With free movement of people between India and Nepal, civil strife in Nepal can spill over into India. 由于印度和尼泊尔之间人员自由流动,尼泊尔的内乱可能蔓延至印度。
- When this happens, levels of glucose in the blood build up and spill over into the urine, a symptom of diabetes. 一旦发生这种情况,血糖浓度会升高,并渗透进尿液中,此为糖尿病的症状之一。
- Unrest has spilt over into areas outside the city. 骚乱已经波及城市的周边地区。
- Electric drag racers are test-driving the technology that will eventually spill over into mass production cars, analysts say. 电力拖动赛车是考验驾驶技术,最终将波及大批量生产汽车,分析家说。
- The upper echelons of Falleen monarchies are rife with political intrigue, but these rarely spill over into disputes or open warfare. 法林人君主专制体系的上层阶级充满勾心斗角的政治阴谋,但极少扩大为公开的争端和战乱。
- Financial shares also tanked as investors worried the credit crisis in the US could spill over into the global banking system including China's. 投资商担忧美国的信用危机将波及包括中国在内的全球银行系统,股票价格因此全面下挫。
- The sidewalks are spilled over into the adjoining countryside. 许多大城市的居民已外流到毗邻的乡村。
- She is unorganized and sometimes it spills over into her life. 她是杂乱无章,没条理的人,有时影响到她的生活。
- Additionally, because the goal of wireless communication is seamless connectivity, what happens at some point in the wired world will spill over into the wireless one and vice versa. 另外,因为无线通信的目标是无缝连接,所以在有线领域中的某个点所发生的情况会波及无线领域,反之亦然。
- The Obama administration is increasingly concerned about the risks that rising violence in northern Mexico, prompted by drug gangs fighting over lucrative trade routes, could spill over into U.S. 奥巴马政府越来越担心墨西哥北部的暴力行为增多可能带来的风险,贩毒团伙为争夺利润丰厚的贸易路线的斗争可能会蔓延到美国。
- The slump in housebuilding has proved deeper and more protracted than expected and there are worries that it could spill over into other areas of the economy, like consumer spending. 住宅市场的暴跌则比预期的更猛烈,时间也更长,已经有人开始担心这会影响到其他领域,比如消费市场。
- The meeting spill over from the hall into the corridor. 参加会议的人从大厅到走廊挤得水泄不通。
- The reverence for the adversarial approach spills over into all areas of life. 在生活的方方面面人们都热衷于使用这种对抗方式。
- I always try to keep job stress from spilling over into my personal life. 我总是努力控制工作压力,不让它影响到我的私人生活。