- Results: The pathogenesis of STs may be that on the rejuvenation of facial paralysis, nerve fiber of orbicularis oculi had mixed grown with some fiber of sphincter oris and stapedius, there were nerves misrepair and innervation of error. 结果:联带运动性耳鸣临床罕见,其发生机制可能是面瘫恢复中支配眼轮匝机的神经纤维长入了支配口轮匝肌与镫骨肌肌纤维,发生神经错向生长与支配。
- sphincter oris 口轮匝肌
- OrIs she a French student or an English student? 她是一个法国的学生还是一个英国的学生?
- Either you orI am able to attend the meeting. 要么是你要么是我;可以参加这个会议.
- RFC2687 - PPP in a Real-time Ori. 2004年一季度软交换和网关调查.
- Oris National Bank is a private well-established banking system. 感觉也与其他傍子没有什么差别。
- Preservation of sphincter function is stressed in surgery. 在外科实践中应重视对奥狄氏括约肌功能的保留。
- In prepress, the printer runs certified Oris proofs from CGS. 在印前,打印机运行的证据证明奥瑞斯由总参谋长。
- Just think, that sphinx has a sphincter that stinks! 试想想,那个狮身人面像的括约肌发臭了!
- They require evidence that the Ori are not to be trusted. 他们要求Ori不应被相信的证据。
- A ring of muscle, the cardiac sphincter, surrounds the esophagus at this point. 此处有一肌肉环即贲门括约肌围绕着食道。
- We knew eliminating the Ori might not stop the followers. 我们知道,消灭Ori可能并不能阻止他们的追随者。
- You'd best stay clear of me, orI'll turn you into a mindless sheep! 你最好别碰我,不然我会把你变成一只没大脑的绵羊!
- The power and the greatness of the Ori cannot be denied. 所有踏上启蒙之路的人们都将和我们共同受到启迪。
- Some surgeries and drugs could lead to the sphincter of Oddi dysfunction. 某些外科手术或药物会引起奥狄氏括约肌机能障碍。
- U.S.A., Ulcered Sphincter of Ass-erica.I mean, what else can you say? |烂屁眼的美国鬼子 我是说,我们还能说什么呢?
- Sphincter of oddi motility: developments in physiology and clinical applition. 参考文献 1 Edward L; Stephen K; Heier WS.
- There was no facial asymmetry and no weakness the orbicularis oris or oculi. 没有任何颜面不对称,没有疲软的口轮匝或轮匝。
- Click [V] button t o change vertical view Dating ori horizonvl view. 用滑鼠点击右上角[V]按钮,可切-442;为垂直显示或水平显示。
- Objective: To provide anatomical data for transplanting adductor magnus flap and repairing sphincter ani external. 目的:为带蒂大收肌移植修复肛门外括约肌提供解剖学资料。