- She was scalded when the boiler exploded. 锅炉爆炸时她被烫伤了。
- I happened to meet him in the boiler room. 我碰巧在锅炉房碰到他。
- When the boiler exploded many people were injured. 因锅炉爆炸,许多人受了伤。
- paper pulp spherical boiler 纸浆蒸球
- The oil-lamp needs a new globe, spherical lampshade. 这油灯需配个新的圆灯罩。
- spherical boiler 球形蒸煮器
- Pipes convey hot water from the boiler to the radiators. 通过管道把热水从锅炉输送到散热器里。
- Old World leek with a spherical bulb. 旧大陆的一种带有球形茎的葱。
- A bacterium having a spherical or spheroidal shape. 球菌球形或回转扁椭球体形状的细菌
- The boiler exploded and a big fire ensued. 锅炉爆炸了,随着而来的就是一场大火。
- Natural sediment particles are not spherical. 天然泥沙颗粒不是球状的。
- He is good at spherical geometry. 他对球面几何学很拿手。
- A pump in the boiler sends hot water round the central heating system. 热水器中的水泵将热水输送给集中供热设备。
- The Earth is a nearly spherical planet. 地球是一个近似球体的行星。
- A pump in the boiler send hot water round the central heating system. 热水器中的水泵将热水输送给集中供热设备。
- Haze water drops would be spherical. 被称为霾的水滴是球形的。
- Boiler do not pass quality tilt. 锅炉没有通过质量测试。
- A small valve or faucet used to drain or reduce pressure, as from a boiler. 泄气阀,小龙头用来排空或降低压力的一种小阀门或小龙头,如锅炉上的
- The oil lamp needs a new globe,spherical lampshade. 这油灯需配个新的圆灯罩。
- A spherical earth is not hard to accept. 地球具有球形不难接受。