- A sperm cell develops from a sperm mother cell. 精细胞从精母细胞发育而成。
- Syngamy - The fusion of egg and sperm cells into a zygote. Syngamy -融合卵和精子细胞成受精卵。
- He has a low sperm count, ie He has few sperm cells and so is not very fertile. 他的精液中精子含量少.
- The vaccine works by blocking male sperm cell from joining female egg cell. 疫苗阻断雄鼠精细胞同雌鼠卵细胞结合。
- One secondary spermatocyte divides and eventually grows into two sperm cells. 一个次级精母细胞分裂并最终产生两个精子。
- Sperm cells are produced in the male gonads or sex glands (testicles). 精子在男性生殖腺或性腺(睾丸)内产生。
- But undeveloped male sperm cells, called spermatogonia, do fine in a freezer. 但未发育的雄性精子细胞,即精原细胞,能够较好的冷冻保存。
- We focused on several key events during fertilization from membrane fusion to karyogamy of sperm cells and egg cells. 探讨了从精细胞和卵细胞质膜融合到它们的核融合完成这一发育阶段的某些主要事件。
- Not all bacterium have flagella and no human cells have them besides sperm cells. 并不是所以的细菌都有鞭毛,而人体细胞除了精子外也没有鞭毛。
- What is known is that as men age, their ability to repair faulty DNA in sperm cells decreases. 大家都知道随著年龄的增加,精子细胞修复DNA错误的能力相应减弱。
- Sperm cells come in one variety only (YY), egg cells come in two varieties (XY, XX). 精子细胞只分裂成一种类型(YY)的精子,卵细胞分裂成两种类型(XY, XX)的卵子。
- Before entering the ejaculatory ducts, the sperm cells have only a limited capacity of moving by themselves. 精子在进入射精管之前,仅有有限的运动能力。
- The cells in the testes are undeveloped in early childhood; at puberty they are stimulated by hormones to develop into fertile sperm cells. 儿童时期睪丸中的细胞处于未发育状态;在青春期时,受到激素的刺激而发育成有生殖能力的精子细胞。
- That vaccine works after a sperm cell has already joined with an egg. It prevents the fertilized egg from connecting to the wall of a woman's uterus. 那种疫苗是在精细胞已经同卵子结合后才起作用。它阻止受精卵种植在妇女子宫壁上。
- The type of imprinting that happens in egg and sperm cells is known as “genomic imprinting,” a reference to its fundamental heritable nature. 发生于卵细胞和精细胞的印迹类型被认为是“基因组印迹”,这是对其基本的遗传本性的一种提法。
- Plasma membrane proteins of sperm cells from Zea mays were passed through affinity column, separated by SDS|PAGE and stained using Con A|HRP. 用亲和层析,SDS?PAGE 及印迹技术,从玉米精细胞中分离纯化质膜蛋白。
- As a result of the operation, the sperm cells can no longer become part of the ejaculated fluid but are absorbed by the body. 输精管被切断和结扎后,所射出的精液不再含有精子,它们被身体所吸收。
- The breakthrough came when some cells continued to grow, elongating and growing a tail which caused them to move, and forming recognisable sperm cells. 突破的取得是基于发现:一些细胞继续成长、延长、长出尾巴(导致它们可以移动)和形成可辨认的精子细胞。
- However, in recent years it has become possible to extract sperm cells from the unexcited male sex organs by special medical procedures. 可是,最近几年里,通过特殊的医学手段,已经可以从未兴奋的男性性器官里提取精子了。
- In the course of a man's life, most of his sperm cells are ejaculated under conditions that offer no chance for a fertilization. 男性一生中,绝大多数的精子在无受精机会的情形下被射出。