- spent liquid from wood cooking 木材蒸煮废液
- Paper is made from wood and pieces of cloth. 纸是由木材和碎布片制成的。
- They are making paper from wood. 他们正在用木料造纸。
- Can you express poison liquid from the wound? 你能挤出伤口里的毒液吗?
- This lovely toy is produced from wood. 这个可爱的玩具是用木头做的。
- Fermented liquid from which liquor is distilled. 供蒸馏的已发酵的液体
- Paper is made from wood and bamboo. 纸是由木头和竹子制造而成的。
- In Haiti, most people cook using charcoal made from wood, but the country is now 98 percent deforested due largely to mismanagement of resources. 在海地,大部分居民用木头制成的木炭来做饭,但是这个国家现在98%25的森林由于对资源的管理不善而遭到破坏。
- She poured out a large quantity of yellowish liquid from a bottle. 她从瓶子里倒出了许多淡黄色的液体。
- Guttation Loss of water as liquid from the surface of a plant. 吐水:水分从植物表面散失的现象。
- The paper for books and newspapers is made from wood. 印书和印报的纸是由木头制成的。
- Measure 3 cups of liquid from the turnip boiling mixture. 将煮萝卜之水,量出3杯份量。
- The author described the process of carving a figure from wood. 作者介绍了木雕的过程。
- Long ago people gave gifts carved from wood or precious stones. 很久以前,人们送一些雕刻的木材或者宝石作为礼物。
- Inexpensive paper made from wood pulp and used chiefly for printing newspapers. 新闻纸由木质纸浆为原料制成的便宜的纸,主要用于印报纸
- Wipe off excess liquid from the cleaning cartridge with tissue paper and print. 在喷嘴处滴10-15滴清洗液,静置5分钟,用纸巾擦拭墨盒外残余液体后,然后打印文档。
- The earliest vaccines were made from liquid from the pocks of cattle. 最早的疫苗是用牛的痘浆制成的。
- Carve vt--- form something by cutting away material from wood or stone. 雕刻。在石头或木头上雕刻。
- Do not let waste liquid from the batteries sink into the land or the water. 千万不要让旧电池中的废液渗入到水土中!
- The act, process, or art of carving or fashioning objects from wood. 木工技术雕刻或用木头制成物品的行为、过程或艺术