- spent fuel dissolution tank 乏燃料溶解器
- The spent fuel pool is filled up with borated cooling water to shield the radiation. 乏燃料池装满含硼的冷却水,以阻隔辐射。
- In September 2003,26 spent fuel assemblies have been successfully transported to reproduction plant for first time. 2003年9月,大亚湾核电站首个满载26组乏燃料的运输容器出厂,标志着大亚湾核电站具备了厂内乏燃料装罐外运的能力,随后2004年大亚湾核电站成功完成了两次乏燃料的运输任务。
- The kinds of problems posed by the back end of the fuel cycle depend in part upon whether spent fuel is recycled. 燃料循环的最后部分提出的问题种类,部分地取决于废料是否再循环。
- Safe and economic disposal of HTR spent fuel elements is an important topic for HTR development. 用既安全又经济的办法处理高温气冷堆乏燃料元件是高温气冷堆发展的重要课题。
- The people of Wiscasset are petitioning the federal government to remove the spent fuel. 威尔卡西特的人们向联邦政府请愿要求移除废弃燃料.
- Encyclopaedia of features, events and processes (FEPs) for the Swedish SFR and spent fuel repositories. 瑞典乏燃料贮存库特点。事件和工艺大全及乏燃料库...[中国核科技信息与经济研究院
- Storage of spent fuel is very important for the operation of nuclear power plant (NPP). 用过核子燃料之处理,对核能电厂之营运相当重要。
- So unseparated plutonium in spent fuel poses a far smaller risk of ending up in the wrong hands. 就算用过燃料中未分离的钸落入坏人之手,所造成的风险也小得多。
- In the meantime, spent fuel can be safely stored at the reactor sites in dry casks. 在此同时,用过的核燃料可放入乾式储存桶,存放在核电厂内。
- The process, carried out under water, includes unloading of fuel assemblies from the reactor core and its transportation to the spent fuel pool. 整个运送过程,包括由反应堆芯卸出燃料组件及输送到乏燃料池,均在水下进行。
- Spent fuel elements in HTR-10 are discharged into seal and shield casks.Each cask can hold approximately 2 000 fuel elements. HTR-10乏燃料元件卸在密封和屏蔽的乏燃料罐内,每罐可容纳2 000个乏燃料元件。
- He said the United States supports a project, together with Russia and the IAEA, to return spent fuel from old reactors to the country of origin . 他说,美国、罗斯以及国际原子能机构都支持一个项目,就是要把在旧反应堆用过的核燃料交还给核燃料的原始生产国。
- Most nuclear utilities are therefore beginning to store older spent fuel on dry ground in huge casks, each typically containing 10 tons of waste. 因此,核电厂大多已经开始将年代较久的用过燃料封入大型储存桶,存放在乾燥地面,每个储存桶通常可容纳10公吨核废料。
- The threat comes within days of Pyongyang saying it had begun reprocessing spent fuel rods at its Yongbyon nuclear plant. 这个威胁是在朝鲜宣布它已经在宁边的核设施内开始再处理使用过的乏燃料棒之后几天内发出的。
- In any case, the internals will wait in four giant steel-and-concrete casks, alongside 60 other casks filled with spent fuel. 无论如何,现在这些内炉废料将存放在四个巨型钢筋水泥桶,连同其他60桶用过核燃料一同等待处理。
- The rest of the spent fuel is made of hot fission products (3.4 percent) and long-lived actinides such as plutonium (1 percent). 剩下的核废料是由炽热的裂变产物(占3.;4%25)和诸如钚元素等衰败期极长的锕系元素(占1%25)。
- The minor actinides in spent fuels dominate long-term hazard radioactive waste. 用过核燃料中的次要锕系元素是造成放射性废料拥有长期危害的主要原因。
- Table S-3 contained a set of numerical values intended to quantify the radiological effluents associated with reprocessing, storage, and disposal of spent fuel and other wastes. 表S一3含有一套数值,这些数值可以用来量化放射性污物,这些污物都与核废料和其他废物的加工、贮存和处理有关。