- spend half an hour sawing 锯半小时
- Eg. I advise you to spend half an hour each day exercising. 我劝你每天花半小时锻练身体。
- He spends half an hour on English everyday. 他每天花半小时学英语。
- I mean he wouldn't hurt a fly. If there was a fly in my kitchen, he'll catch it and spend half an hour before he set it free. 我是说他连只苍蝇都不忍心伤害。如果我厨房里有只苍蝇的话,他会花上半小时捉住它,然后再把它放生。
- The team spent half an hour limbering up before each game. 队员们每场比赛前都要花半小时做准备活动。
- What we are trying to do is encourage people who work in the city to spend half an hour of their lunchbreak in the gallery, to rather than rush around the shops. 我们努力要做的就是,鼓励那些在城市工作的人们花半个小时的午餐休息时间到画廊来放松一下,而不是匆忙去逛商店。”
- What we are trying to do is encourage people who work in the city to spend half an hour of their lunchbreak in the gallery, to chill out rather than rush around the shops. 我们努力要做的就是,鼓励那些在城市工作的人们花半个小时的午餐休息时间到画廊来放松一下,而不是匆忙去逛商店。”
- I spent half an hour looking through the evening paper. 我用半小时看晚报。
- I nearly spent half an hour to finish this composition. 我几乎花费了半个小时来完成这篇作文。
- The wood cutters spent half an hour in felling twenty tall trees in succession. 伐木工人用了半个小时连续砍倒了二十棵大树。
- I spent half an hour searching through dictionaries for the meaning of that word. 我花了半个小时的时间在许多字典中寻找那个字的意义。
- Now, instead of spending half an hour typing a letter, it is possible to waste half an hour cursing a broken printer. 现在,我们可能是用半小时的时间去诅咒一台出毛病的打印机,而不是用半小时来打一个字。
- Ben: Come on she always reads them wrong. Last time we spent half an hour truing to figure out the sound of mustard. 本:妈妈她总是猜错,上次我们花了半个小时她才猜出是魔鬼之声。
- At that moment she almost hated that stiff, oldish princess, who could put her in such an awkward position, and spend half an hour with her without saying a word about Prince Andrey. 这时她几乎仇视那个年岁大的、干巴巴的公爵小姐,她会把她弄得狼狈不堪,关于安德烈公爵,她一言不发,和她在一块就这样待上半个钟头了,“要知道,我不会在这个法国女人面前首先谈到他。”
- However, Huck took no notice of him, as he occupied himself in watching a dog, which had been spending half an hour or so kicking around the corner. 可是哈克并没有理他,因为他正在给观察一只狗,它在那角落晃悠了半个多小时了。迈克见哈克没反应,又说:“你以什么赖寻求刺激呢?”
- Let's spend another half an hour painting and then have done with it. 我们再画半个小时把它画完吧。
- Ms.Merkel, who is a Protestant Christian, spent half an hour talking with Bishop Aloysius Jin Luxian, who gave her a tour of Shanghai's Saint Ignatius Cathedral. 身为新教徒的默克尔与金鲁贤主教进行了半个小时交谈,金鲁贤主教还引领默克尔参观了位于上海的圣依纳德天主教堂。
- He can fling off a poem in half an hour. 他可以在半小时之内草就一首诗。
- It took him half an hour to finish the work. 他花了半个小时做完这项工作。
- "I went to [a store] and we spent half an hour in the toy section looking for a big box of Legos and spent the rest of the night building that thing," he says. 他说:“我们去了一家商场,在玩具部花了半个小时,寻找大盒乐高拼装玩具,然后整夜都在拼拼装装。”