- speed correction model 速度修正模型
- Blood Elf mobs in Azshara will now have the correct model. 埃萨拉的血精灵的外观现在可以正常显示了。
- Applied error correction model, this paper estimated the Augmented Solow Model in 1952-1998 of China. 摘要本文将人力资本作为生产要素之一,运用误差校正模型,估计出中国1952-1998年期间扩展的索洛模型。
- Nonstationarity theory and vector error correction model can be used for this type of the problem. 而作为计量经济学的新流派,协整理论及误差修正模型很好地解决了时间序列的非平稳问题。
- This article studies the reaction of domestic gasoline when the price of crude oil changes,using the asymmetry error correction model. 本文利用不对称误差修正模型研究当原油价格变化时,国内汽油价格的反应机制问题。
- Error correction model shows that environmental pollution changes are decided jointly by long term trend and short term fluctuation. 误差修正模型则表明环境污染变动是由长期趋势和短期波动共同决定。
- This paper establishes dynamic forward feedback correction model with the method of combining Bayes regularization and BP neural network. 文中采用贝叶斯正则化与BP网络结合的方法,建立动态前馈校正模型。
- The study then use Vector Autoregressive Model(VAR), Cointegration and vector error correction model(VECM) to examine the relationship among variables. 因此,本研究旨在探讨影响通货流通馀额变动的主要因素,以利对货币变动行为的背后逻辑有所掌握。
- Since 1990s, there appeared advanced econometrical methods such as co integration and error correction model to make research of money demand function. 90年代以来出现了研究货币需求较为先进的计量方法,即采用协整理论和误差修正模型对货币需求的长短期进行研究。
- Paper use causal relationship test method has proven causal relationship between the variables and establish error correction model. 论文运用格兰杰检验法证明了变量之间具有因果关系,并建立误差修正模型。
- Secondly, this thesis compares the hedging effectiveness of two hedge ratio estimating methods, the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) and Error Correction Model (ECM). 第二,论文在理论上比较了最小二乘法(OLS)与误差修正模型(ECM)两种套期保值率估计方法下的套期保值效果。
- The concept of slip ratio showing two phases slippage effects is proposed,a multiparameter and nonlincer water correction model has been established on flow law in reservoir. 研究了反映两相滑脱效应的滑动比理论,从流体流动的规律出发,建立了多参数、非线性的理论含水率校正模型。
- latitude and speed correction mechanism 纬度和船速差订正器
- An annual runoff forecasting method is presented based on unit root test, cointegration test and error correction model of the upper and lower reaches of the Second Songhua River. 摘要介绍了协整分析理论,结合第二松花江流域上下游的年径流量,阐述了单位根检验、协整检验、误差修正模型的理论与分析方法。
- This paper establishes dynamic forward feedback correction model and regulates voluntarily the various parameters needed by rolling by adopting hereditary neural network. 文中基于遗传神经网络,建立动态前馈校正模型,自动调节轧制所需的各种参数。
- The new model delivers speed and fuel economy. 这种新型设计能提高速度、 节约燃料。
- Through co-integration test, error correction model (ECM) and the Granger causality, the degree of integration of 20 major producing and purchasing area was tested in China. 通过协整检验、误差修正模型(ECM)和格兰杰因果关系检验分别对中国20个苹果主产或者主销地区的市场整合程度进行分析。
- No horse has a speed comparable to that of his. 没有一匹马的速度能比得上他的马。
- While the idea of a couple of big software companies sounds appealing, it is not the correct model for any industry, regardless of maturity. 尽管几个大型软件企业的想法听起来不错,但这并非正确的产业模式,无论产业是否已经成熟。
- That's all there is to make a speed dial call. 在那里全部要进行快速拨号呼叫。