- It is necessary to speed up the construction of a contingent of talents and enhance the quality of the entire nation. 要加快人才队伍建设和提高国民素质。
- To speed up the construction of modern enterprise system and complete its operation mechanism. 加快现代企业制度建设,完善运行机制。
- One of the key aspects of the macroeconomic policy of China in 1998 was to expand the investment demand and to speed up the construction of infrastructure facilities. 扩大投资需求,加快基础设施建设,是去年我国宏观调控政策的重要内容。
- We will continue to speed up the construction of key infrastructure, focusing on hubs, functional facilities, and networks. 继续加快枢纽型、功能性、网络化重大基础设施建设。
- We will speed up the construction of urban street networks and the improvement of the trunk roads systems made up of ring roads,passing roads,and connecting roads. 加强城市路网建设,加快完善由环路、通道线、联络线组成的快速干道系统。
- "Chinese heat" all over the world reveals the "teacher scarcity", we should speed up the construction of TCSL (teaching Chinese as a second language) speciality. 摘要全球“汉语热”凸显了对外汉语“教师荒”,亟需加强对外汉语专业建设。
- In December, the state of Ohio gave the company a $7 million loan to speed up the construction of a 25-megawatt production line for its flexible solar modules. 去年十二月,俄亥俄州政府给与该公司七百万美元的贷款,用以加速其25兆瓦的可卷曲太阳能电池生产线的建设。
- In order to speed up the construction of moral civilization and harmonious society, we should promote the Chinese traditional charity culture and do more charites. 弘扬中国传统慈善文化,发展慈善事业,对于促进精神文明建设、构建社会主义和谐社会具有重要的借鉴意义。
- I put my foot down and the Zephyr gathered speed up the slope. 我踩大油门,西风牌汽车加速爬上了斜坡。
- It will speed up the construction of hydropower facilities,reduce the proportion of coal in the energy structure,and combat the negative influences of acid rain and global warming. 加快水电建设,降低煤炭在能源结构中的比重,减轻酸雨和气候变暖对发展粮食生产的负面影响。
- It will speed up the construction of hydropower facilities, reduce the proportion of coal in the energy structure, and combat the negative influences of acid rain and global warming. 加快水电建设,降低煤炭在能源结构中的比重,减轻酸雨和气候变暖对发展粮食生产的负面影响。
- Reason and condition for construction Reason: to speed up the progress of the construction of the new campus of Ningde Teachers’ College, and to utilize social resources to run the college. 学校按时提供建设场所,并完成“三通一平”等工作。
- "Speeding up the construction of the Bridge is a great action of recreating new phase of opening-up and reform. 加快杭州湾跨海大桥建设,正是再创改革开放新局面的巨擘手笔。
- We should speed up the development of e-government. 加快电子政务建设。
- The constructionpratice shows the effectiveness of such measures on speeding up the construction of rectangle blind shaft. 施工实践表明:这些技术措施在提高矩形盲井成井速度方面是有效的。
- They help speed up the development process. 这可以帮助加速开发过程。
- That'll speed up the compensation. 那样就可以加快补偿了。
- We want to speed up the rate of disablement. 我们希望加快去功能化的程序。
- 3) speed up the construction of eco agriculture. 3)加速农业生态建设。
- The housing purchase volume has already upturned in some cities.The direction of housing marketization will be kept as speeding up the construction the security housing for the low-income inhabitants. 要继续加强房地产市场监测分析,准确把握房地产市场走势,及时发现市场运行中的新情况、新问题,提高调控措施的预见性、针对性和有效性。