- speed increase gear 增速齿轮
- Analysis on the Reasons of Type GYD Arc Gear and Speed Increaser Gear Wear GYD型圆弧齿轮增速机齿轮磨损原因分析
- speed increase increasing gear 增速齿轮
- But in fact there will be a double speed increase. 但是,事实上,这里有一个双重的速度增加。
- speed increasing gear 增速器
- Charge upgrade for Zealots includes movement speed increase of Zealots as well. 答:在曙光议会里有两个升级,一个是狂热者的“冲锋”,另外一个是追踪者的“闪现”。
- Gear used spray lubricating oil recycling systems to reduce noise and increase gear life span. 齿轮传动采用喷淋式循环润滑供油系统,减低噪音,增加齿轮工作寿命。
- Grenadier: Projectile move speed increased. 掷弹兵:子弹移动速度增加。
- Its speed increased, and it flew thro' the air... 它的速度增加,它飞到血栓'空气...
- This speed increase may range from a very mild quickening to complete psychotic incoherence. 这种速度的增加,可从非常轻微的速度加快,到全然神经质的不连贯。
- Close to the ground, wind speed increases quickly with height. 靠近地面,风速随高度迅速增大。
- Incorporating distcc into the process gives results in an overall speed increase as well as slightly faster recompile times. 将distcc引入这一过程所得的结果是,整体上速度提高,重新编译的时间快了一点点。
- Paradoxically, optimizing a program for speed can sometimes cause code to run slower because some optimizations for speed increase code size. 矛盾的是,由于一些速度优化会增加代码大小,为提高速度而对程序进行的优化有时反而会导致代码运行速度减慢。
- A metagem provides a unique bonus, such as a run speed increase, a chance to instant-cast spells, or a chance to proc stuns in melee. 一个镶嵌宝石提供一个独一无二的额外属性,比如移动速度增加,几率顺发,或是击晕。
- Shot Peening to Increase Gear Life 喷丸强化提高齿轮寿命
- With the speed increase this year, locomotive wobbling occurred frequently due to side abrasion of straight rails at switch point. 随着线路的再次提速,因固定型提速道岔转辙部位直股钢轨侧磨而多次引发机车摇晃。
- As the vehicle speed increases, transition to 120v operation occurs. 当车速提高时,就转换到120V运行的状态。
- Thus, Zerg have two very viable ways to move around their units, as well as receiving a 30% speed increase for all ground units (minus drones) on creep. 这样的说,虫族就有两种可行的方式来运输他的单位,而且在菌毯上虫族的单位可以增加30%25的移动速度。
- This factory makes high speed gear shapers. 这个工厂制造高速齿轮造形机。
- Two methods are usually used to increase gearing backlash for counter trains:1.Decrease addendum modification coefficient,but remain center distancein constant. 对于计数齿轮传动,通常采用两种方法增大侧隙:中心距不变,减小变位系数;