- Please contact DHL for more information related to your specific products. 请联络DHL的本地办事处,查询有关的产品资料。
- Do you have any specific products to recommend given the business I am in? 鉴于我所在的行业,你有什么特别的产品可以推荐给我?
- A brand name establishes both a specific product and the culture of a company. 一个品牌所塑造的不仅是一种产品,还有公司文化。
- To receive our offer, please forward LOI clearly stating specific product. 接受我们的出价前,请提供清楚写有具体产品的购买意向书。
- Demands are wants for specific products that are backed by an ability and willingness to buy them. 需求是指对于有能力购买并且愿意购买的某个具体产品的欲望。
- The specific products associated with the purchase order are stored in PurchaseOrderDetail Table. 与采购订单关联的产品存储在PurchaseOrderDetail表中。
- This site provides technical information about security issues that affect specific products. 该网站提供影响特定产品的特定安全问题的技术信息。
- You have visited your Exhibition. Could you let me know the specific products you are interested in? 您已经参观过我们的展览,能否告诉我您对哪些产品有兴趣?
- Specific production bonsai techniques, we do not deal with this. 具体的制作盆景技术,我们不在此论述。
- Therefore, exclusive starch syrups should be selected in accordance with specific products. 我们在制造糖果时,应视具体品种的需求而选择专用淀粉糖浆。
- AEPC was also in talks with Japanese designers so that Indian exporters could come out with Japan specific products. 印度服装出口促进会还与日本设计师交谈,促使印度的出口商能够代理日本的特定产品。
- Specific products have color-printed, Slitter, the Model-bag and other equipment. 具体产品有多色凹版印刷机,分切机,各型号多功能制袋机等设备。
- They want specific products, they want quality guarantees and they want to be able to trace the source of the food. 它们需要特定的产品,需要可靠的质量,还希望能够追踪食品的来源。
- They are responsible for formulation of standards regarding quality assurance or specific products. 他们是负责制定有关标准的质量保证或特定产品。
- End goals represent the user’s motivation for performing the tasks associated with using a specific product. 最终目标代表了用户在使用某个具体产品时进行操作的动机。
- We find that your actions on our web sites violate the above terms of service, or any of our usage guidelines for specific products or services. 我们发现您对我司网站的操作违反了服务条款,以及为特定的产品或服务而使用您的信息。
- Each XML document contains the complete instructions for manufacturing a specific product model. 每个XML文档包含有关生产特定产品型号的完整说明。
- Service area is countrywide, and provide traffic, Accommodation, Specific products kind, also about consulting fee can negotiate by telephone. 服务范围为全国,远程需提供交通、食宿,具体产品种类及资费可来电洽商。
- Until then, select the specific products for your performance needs, and look forward to getting even better capabilities in the future. 那时,您就能够根据性能需要选择特定的产品,并将能获得更好的性能。
- The specific products are rubber-metal composites, rubber tubes and hoses, gaskets and sealing parts, rubber bumpers and stamping parts, etc. 主要产品有橡胶金属耙、橡胶管、密封件、缓冲件、冲压件等。