- While Western pharmaceuticals continued to be checked for compliance with the required standards in quality and safety, proprietary Chinese medicines were tested for heavy metal content and the presence of Western drugs or controlled substances. 政府化验所除了继续检查西药是否符合规定的品质和安全标准外,亦检测中成药,测验重金属含量以及有否搀杂西药或受管制药物。
- While Western pharmaceuticals continued to be checked for compliance with the required standards in quality and safety,proprietary Chinese medicines were tested for heavy metal content and the presence of Western drugs or controlled substances. 政府化验所除了继续检查西药是否符合规定的品质和安全标准外,亦检测中成药,测验重金属含量以及有否搀杂西药或受管制药物。
- An additional charge is made for heavy bags. 份量重的包裹要增收费用。
- This area is unsuitable for heavy industry. 该地区不适宜发展重工业。
- A Review for Heavy Metal Removal from Sludge 去除污泥中重金属的研究进展
- The adsorption performances of four adsorbents,CAS,DTCS,CTS and DTC-CTS for heavy metals(Cu,Pb,Zn) are investigated,and the selectivity of adsorbents for heavy metal ions is determined by isothermal adsorption equations. 研究氨基淀粉(CAS)、二硫代氨基改性淀粉(DTCS)、壳聚糖(CTS)、二硫代氨基改性壳聚糖(DTC-CTS)4种吸附剂对铜、铅、锌3种重金属离子的吸附性能,应用吸附等温式考察4种吸附剂对重金属的吸附选择性。
- That brush is not adequately bristled for heavy cleaning. 那把刷子刚毛不够,不适用於用力洗刷。
- maeromoleeule flocculant for heavy metal 高分子重金属絮凝剂
- Mice and shrews are the most useful indicators in monitoring environmental pollution by heavy metals, its liver and kidney are major indicative organs for heavy metal accumulation. 鼠类和鼠句鼠青是环境重金属污染研究中最常用的指示物,其肝脏和肾脏是重金属富集的重要指示器官。
- The road is no longer fit for heavy traffic, and will be finally graded down. 这条公路不适应繁忙的交通,最终会被降低级别。
- Uses:coating for priming paint of automobiles and heavy metal. 用途:主要用于车辆底架及附件的装饰保护。
- The road was not designed for heavy lorries. 此公路不是为重型货车设计的。
- A heavy metal body, especially the head of a power hammer. 锤头一种重的金属体,特指汽锤或打桩机的锤头
- By testing and verification it is found that this method s high in accuracy and recovery and is able to satisfy the detection requirements for heavy metals in organic-inorganic compound fertilizers. 通过验证说明该方法精密度和回收率比较高,能满足有机-无机复混肥料中有害重金属的检测要求。
- Rugged construction for heavy duty. 在重负下不受影响的牢固构造。
- Heavy metal speciation in the rhizospheric soil of Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings was significantly influenced by inoculation of ectomycorrhizal fungi. 摘要油松幼苗接种菌根盆栽试验表明,外生菌根真菌对油松根际土壤重金属铜、镉的赋存形态产生显著影响。
- The road was not designed for heavy lorries . 此公路不是为重型货车设计的。
- Pharmacopeia method was used in water soluble extractives and limit test for heavy metals and total ash and acid-insoluble ash to test the quality in Lumbricus from different origin. 采用药典方法分别测定浸出物、总灰分和酸不溶性灰分和进行重金属检查,综合考察不同产地地龙的内在质量。
- Emphysema is common for heavy smokers. 烟瘾很重的人容易得肺气肿。