- specialized trust management 特种管理信托
- Japan Investment Trust Management Co. 日本投资信托管理公司。
- How to Implement Trust Management in Power Construction Project? 电建工程如何实施委托管理?
- DSm Dezert-Smarandache trust model is used for trust management of open communities. 将DSm(Dezert-Smarandache)信任模型用于开放社区的信任管理。
- Finally, it puts forward the existing problem of trust management model at present and research direction in the future in PKI field. 最后提出了当前PKI域中信任管理模型研究存在的问题及今后的研究方向。
- Proof of compliance is a key problem in trust management problems,and certificate chain discovery is a key problem in proof of compliance. 在信任管理问题中一致性证明是关键而证书链发现问题又是一致性证明的关键。
- However, establishing an infrastructure for certificate life-cycle management, renewal, trust management, and revocation is much more difficult with self-signed certificates. 但是,使用自签署证书,为证书生命周期管理、续订、信任管理和撤销等建立基础结构要困难得多。
- This model includes architecture for risk-based trust management,method to compute trust value of end certificate and the algorithm,and policy to trust a certificate. 模型包括基于风险的信任管理体系结构,终端证书的信任值计算方法及其实现算法,以及证书信任策略。
- Marc Faber, publisher of the "Gloom, Boom &Doom Report," and John Alkire, chief investment officer at Morgan Stanley Asset and Investment Trust Manag... 麦嘉华,在“暗,动臂和毁灭的报告”和John Alkire,摩根士丹利资产投资信托基金的首席投资官Manag出版者...
- When you implement a CA in an organization that uses Active Directory, you provide an infrastructure for certificate life-cycle management, renewal, trust management, and revocation. 在使用Active Directory的组织中实施CA时,需要为进行证书生命周期管理、续订、信任管理和撤销等任务提供基础结构。
- Article 2 The present Measures shall be applicable to the entrustment management, account management, trust management and investment management related to the enterprise annuities fund. 第二条企业年金基金的受托管理、账户管理、托管以及投资管理适用本办法。
- CPA"s auditing business involve two legal relations, one is contract relation between the bailer and CPA, another is a special trustful relation between CPA and the users. 注册会计师审计业务所涉及的法律关系主要有两种:一是委托人与会计师及会计师事务所之间的契约关系;
- This model embodies the subjectivity and the fuzziness of trust and can control delegation depths.A new direction is presented for trust management by combining with the fuzzy theory. 新模型体现了信任的主观性和模糊性,并可对委托深度进行控制,与模糊理论的结合为信任管理提供了一个新方向。
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the trust manager should prompt the user for trust decisions. 获取或设置一个值,该值指示信任关系管理器是否应提示用户以获取信任决定。
- Property is intended to recommend the user interface the trust manager should provide for the trust decision. 属性旨在建议信任关系管理器应提供哪个用户界面来获取信任决定。
- Special Trust Fund for Economic Planning and Projections; 经济规划和预测特别信托基金;
- Trust managers manage the certificates that are used to authenticate the peer sitting on the other side of the secure socket. 信任管理器管理证书,这些证书用于对位于安全套接字另一端的对等机进行认证。
- This decision can be made by prompting the user, querying policy, or by any other means deemed appropriate for a given Trust Manager. 此决定可通过提示用户、查询策略或任何其他认为适合于给定“信任关系管理器”的方式作出。
- This flag is set to true if the host might call the trust manager numerous times for trust decisions for this application. 如果主机可能为此应用程序的信任决定多次调用信任关系管理器,则将此标志设置为。
- This kind of medicine is special for gripes. 这种药专治肚子痛。