- specialized experiment center 专业实验中心
- Besides, the experiment center of BARI had accredited by SEPA and EPB of Beijing as a test unit doing trail gas emission test from vehicles. 此外,实验中心还是国家环境保护总局和北京市环境保护局授权的汽车尾气排放检测机构。
- This new brand experience center was to be called the Storehouse. 这个新品牌经验中心将叫仓库。
- Walking on a road near a lake in a drizzle is a special experience. 在靡靡的细雨中走在湖边的小路上,别有一番情趣。
- Kunming mice of clean grade were purchased from Animal Experiment Center, Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (number of animal license SYXK 2005-0009). 清洁级昆明种小鼠购自南京中医药大学实验动物中心(动物生产许可证号为SYXK(苏)2005-0009)。
- Pharmacology and toxicology experiment center was established based on the former pharmacology laboratory. It assumes toxicology studies and evaluations of new drugs. 2000年-在原有药理室的基础上成立药理毒理实验中心,深入开展新药的毒理学研究和评价工作。
- This text introduces the virtual reality technology and VRML language, and the application of virtual reality technology on teaching and computer specialized experiment are explored. 文章介绍了虚拟现实技术及VRML语言,探讨了虚拟现实技术在计算机教学和计算机实验中的应用。
- The chemical major experiment center should be founded under the idea of large-scale engineering by coordinating and optimizing of the traditional chemical specialty laboratory. 在"大工程观"教育理念指导下,优化整合原有化工类专业实验室,建立专业实验中心。
- A reform of practice activities including production practice,process simulation and specialized experiment was implemented by optimizing and regrouping the disciplines,site,schedule and classes. 通过利用生产实习、仿真实习的教学时间,对教学内容、场地、时间、班级等合理整合,优化实施生产实习、仿真实习及专业实验等实践教学。
- Applying with special experiment condensation, typical synthesis minification, experiment resource circulation and classroom educated criterion, we will create new prospect of gre... 通过采用性质实验压缩化、经典合成小量化、实验资源循环化、课堂带教规范化手段,开创绿色教学新前景。
- Experiment center occupying more than 2000 m2 supplies equipments of various spectrum analysis, gas chromatogram, ferrography and so on, which serves for the teaching and researches well. 2000余平方米的实验中心拥有各类光谱和色谱、铁谱等分析检测仪器,为教学和科研服务。
- Introduced significance,guiding ideology and teaching system contruction of specialized experiment educational reform in applied organic direction of applied chemistry speciality. 论述了应用化学专业应用有机方向专业实验教学改革的意义、指导思想及教学体系的建设。
- The college has two experiment centers, EE Experiment Center in Jungong Campus including Electric, Electronic Technology and Simulation, etc. 两个实验中心:电气工程学院实验中心(复兴路校区)及电工电子实验中心(军工路校区)。
- To take a roller-coaster ride under the Fuji Mountain must be a special experience. 在富士山脚下坐云霄飞车大概会是个很特别的经验吧!
- Works independently on the development of original designs or adaptations requiring specialized experience. 能按照原始设计和专门要求独立完成工作。
- PROKOFIEV. My favorite composer. Each of his pieces is a special experience, from technique to interpretation. 我最喜欢的作曲家。每一个乐章都是特殊的体验,从技巧到内涵。
- Speciality experience on polystyrene products, or PS machining facilities area. 对聚苯乙烯产品及加工机械设备有专门的工作经验。
- The second proposal suggested, in lieu of the expansion, to adapt a vacant multi-story facility into a brand experience center for customers, employees, and city residents. 第二个提案建议要代替扩展,适应一种空置有多层楼的设施转为顾客的一个品牌经验中心,雇员和城市居民。
- Moreover, they had special experiences of female: overcome difficulties, such as menstrual cycle, period of pregnancy and give birth to a child. 但是也有作为女性的特殊感受:克服“三期”(期、期、产哺乳期)特殊困难。
- The Guinness brewing company engaged Imagination, a London-based multidisciplinary design consultancy, to help Guinness develop a new customer brand experience center. 吉尼斯酿造的公司参与想像力,该公司是以伦敦为基地的多重学科的设计顾问,帮助吉尼斯开发一个新的顾客品牌经验中心。