- Finery industry is a traditional and special industry. 服饰业是一个传统而特殊的行业。
- Public security departments shall exercise security control over the auctioning industry as special industry. 公安机关对拍卖业按照特种行业实施治安管理。
- Nanning No.First Paper Co.,ltd is mainly engage in manufacture special industry paper and craft pape... 发布者:朱海梅所在地:广西南宁市行业:纸业职位:外销员工作年限:二年以上
- As real estate is a very special industry,there are some misunderstandings on its driving effect at present. 由于房地产业自身的特殊性,当前对它的带动作用的认识存在一定的误区。
- The development of the high bulky& shrinkage absorbent polyester fiber on machine and technology and application of special industry were introduced. 主要介绍涤纶高蓬松、强收缩吸水性纤维从原料、备到工艺的开发过程及在特殊行业中的应用。
- The prevailing financial management system have great influence on the finance of Yunnan province which has special industry structure. 摘要现行财政管理体制对于具有特殊产业结构的云南财政有着重大影响。
- The development of the high bulky &shrinkage absorbent polyester fiber on machine and technology and application of special industry were introduced . 主要介绍涤纶高蓬松、强收缩吸水性纤维从原料、设备到工艺的开发过程及在特殊行业中的应用。
- Contrasted with the underground economy, recessive industry is a special industry characterized by its relativity, extensiveness, scale, and transitivity. 隐性产业是一种特殊的产业形态,它与地下经济有着明显的界分,存在着相对性、外生性、规模性、过渡性等特征。
- The pistion ring of volumetric injection pump use different material of silicone,polyflon or other kinds according to liquid characteristic,use ceramic pump in special industry. 柱塞式计量泵活塞环材质根据行业及液体成分的不同采用硅橡胶、四氟乙烯或其他材质,特殊场合采用陶瓷材质。
- As a new technology , freeze cutting has fond a effective cutting way for some intractable metals and has application value for the machining of the special industry. 作为一门新技术,冷冻加工为某些特殊难加工金属材料开辟一条有效的切削途径。
- The modern interflow of goods and materials industry of Japan has its own characters and has been viewed as the third source of profits and developed as a special industry. 日本发展现代物流产业有自己独特的风格,其物流业已被视为继制造业和商业之后的第三利润源,作为一个专门的产业加以开发。
- LANGLIE THE HARDWARE PRODUCT CO.,LTD.SH.CHINA come into existence 2000 year,it is the speciality industry produce new type extrusion-rivet bolt and exactitude vehicle-piece or make-piece. 朗烈五金制品有限公司成立于2000年,是国内新型压铆螺丝,精密车制件的专业生产企业。
- Special industrial ceramic、 magnet material and machining parts, such as Zirconia, Alumina, NdFeB and AlNiCo products. 特殊工业陶瓷、性材料及制品,包括氧化锆、化铝材料制作的机械件,钕铁硼、镍钴材料制作的永磁零件。
- It is not only the external form of nation managing economy,but the important origin of national tax rev-enue and the important method of examining smuggling and protecting the special industry. 它不仅是中国战国时期国家管理经济职能的外在形式和国家税收的重要来源,而且是稽查走私,保护特定产业的重要手段。
- Karst accumulation bauxite is a new type of bauxite deposit in China and a special industrial type bauxite in south China. 岩溶堆积型铝土矿是我国新的矿床类型,为华南特有。
- To make stuffed dumpling is his speciality. 包饺子是他的拿手好戏。
- This special industry gave birth to ancient famous Chinese salt industrial towns such as Zigong, Yangzhou, Yancheng, Yuncheng and so on. 凭借这种特殊的生产行业的发展,催生了中国古代著名的盐业城镇,诸如自贡、扬州、盐城、运城等。
- High-efficiency agriculture-led development, "Miao dihydrate a" special industries. 农业以高效益为主导,发展“二水一苗”特色产业。
- The Metallurgical Certified Reference Materials (M-CRMs) is a kind of special industrial product. 冶金标准样品是一类特殊的工业产品。
- CAS. Standards about the special industries won't be covered this time, we can arrange another one day class if required. 特殊行业的特殊会计标準不会在课程中涉及,如果需要我们会安排另外一个一天课程。