- The special assistant to the president for national security affairs was well known to Arbatov. 阿尔巴托夫对这位总统国家安全事务特别助理十分了解。
- Be conscious of those needing special assistance. 对需要特别照顾的客人要多加留意。
- Postolos arrived in Houston after a two-year stint as Special Assistant to NBA Commissioner David Stern. 波斯特洛斯是在担任NBA专员大卫斯特恩特别助理两年之后到达休斯顿的。
- His special assistant Wong Chuan How, who was present, is a suspect in the ongoing MACC probe. 刘天球以证人身分提供相关资料,双方在和气下完成录口供手续。
- David Tseng,a special assistant in the U.S. Department of Labor's Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration,tells a similar story. 美国劳动部养老与福利管理局的特别助理戴维·曾也讲了自己类似的故事。
- Associate Professor at University of Maryland Special Assistant to the President to the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy on China Program. 美国马里兰大学副教授;美国林肯土地政策研究院总裁特别助理兼中国部主任。
- For Los Angeles Lakers special assistant coach Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, it's a chance to emphasize the importance of the big picture. 作为湖人的特别助理教练,贾巴尔有机会去教导拜纳姆,强调对整体战局的把握。
- The state has continued to give Tibet special assistance. 国家对西藏的发展继续给予特别照顾。
- John Fairbank (1907-1991), Special assistant of American Ambassador to China, exerted himself to support the Chinese revolution. 美国驻华大使特别助理费正清(1907-1991)大力支持中国革命。他不仅是另问题专家,在世界学术界也具有重大影响。
- David Tseng, a special assistant in the U.S. Department of Labor's Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration, tells a similar story. 美国劳动部养老与福利管理局的特别助理戴维.;曾也讲了自己类似的故事。
- Taking these 3 issues, the reporter covered earthshaking operation trade rub force swims the president of the company is special assistant Zhao Wei. 带着这3个问题,记者采访了惊天动地运营商摩力游公司的总裁特别助理赵伟。
- To provide special assistance to children orphaned by HIV/AIDS. - 向艾滋病毒/艾滋病孤儿提供特别援助。
- Mr. Paal remained with the National Security Council until 1993, rising to the position of Senior Director for Asian Affairs and Special Assistant to former President Bush. 此后一直留在国家安全会议到1993年,并升至亚洲事务资深主任及前布希总统的特别助理。
- Robert Malley was President Clinton's special assistant for Arab-Israeli affairs. He now directs the Middle East and North Africa program at the International Crisis Group. 罗伯特。马里是克林顿总统的阿以事务特别助理。他现在为国际危机组织管理中东及北非项目。
- Merrill, a special assistant to Yankees' GM Brian Cashman, was hit in the face by a throw from the outfield in pregame on Wednesday and left the field on a stretcher. Merrill是洋基经理BrianCashman的特别助理.;他在星期三的热身赛时被一记从外野飞过来的球打中脸部;被用担架抬出球场
- Special assistance on this issue provided by Mark Marshall and Maureen Garrett. 马克-马歇尔和莫林-加勒特为本期提供特别协助。
- He also said that if the Government's grip on suspicion of sodomy (the special assistant to the husband tournament) evidence to challenge the government, he charged that he appear in court. 他也说,如果政府掌握他涉嫌鸡奸(其特别助理赛夫)的证据,他挑战政府提控他出庭。
- Chinese Panamanians have reaped rich fruits in the political arena. The picture shows senior editor Laura Li interviewing Javier E. Yap Siu, special assistant to the president of Panama. 巴拿马华裔勇闯政坛,成果丰硕。图为本刊资深编辑李光真专访总统特别助理叶思良。
- I understand that at present, the top 10 per cent of our students are allowed to enrol in Special Assistance Plan Schools and take up their mother tongue at an advanced level. 另外,据我的了解,当今能够进入特选中学修读高级母语的学生是前10%25的优秀学生。