- What is Special Interest Group (SIG) ? 什么是特别兴趣小组(SIG)?
- Intranet special interest groups and chat rooms. 在图书馆内部网页上建立特别兴趣小组和聊天室。
- The W3C XML Special Interest Group had representatives from more than 100 companies and invited experts. W3C XML专门利益集团拥有100多家公司的代表和特邀专家。
- The nurses catered to my every need. The legislation catered to various special interest groups. 护士们照顾到我的一切需要。立法兼顾了各种特殊利益群体
- Birds of a Feather. A group of people with similar interests. If interest in a subject is strong enough, a BOF may develop into a SIG (Special Interest Group). 同类。具有相同兴趣的一群人。如果对某一课题的兴趣非常强烈,那么BOF将发展为SIG(特殊兴趣小组)。
- The legislation catered to various special interest groups. 这项立法迎合了。
- Therefore, leans to one side behind the public opinion is the arbitrage risk which the special interest group eyes covetously. 因此,一边倒的舆论背后是利益集团虎视眈眈的套利风险。
- Has the special interest group to instigate, hoped that attains advantage of again the policy beside the right market competition, as soon as flaunts in order. 更有利益集团从中怂恿,希望在正当市场竞争之外再获政策之利,以求一逞。
- Lobbyists make appeals to Congress on behalf of special interest groups. 游说者为特定利益团体向国会上诉请愿。
- Summary: Top three keywords of lobbying industry in 2006: Abramoff, Israel Lobby &Special Interest Groups. 发给朋友转到小组(打标签)收藏推荐0推荐收藏影响大洋两岸的三个游说关键词查看全文2006-12-1514:49:00
- Democrats have enlisted a wide range of special interest groups to lobby against the proposal, including labor unions and retiree organizations. 民主党派已经鼓动很多特别利益团体游说反对这个提案,这些团体包括工会和退休人士组织。
- The Essential Cause of Japan's Long-term Economic Recession--Is It "Government Being Enslaved by Special Interest Groups"? 日本经济长期萧条的根本原因--在于"政府为特殊利益集团俘虏"吗?
- Only half of the 60-seat legislature is directly elected, and the other members are picked by professional and special interest groups. 在立法机构60个席位中只有一半是直接选举产生,其他成员由专家和特殊利益集团选出。
- PCI-SIG PCI Special Interest Group pci利益集团
- The Bluetooth Special Interest Group 牙特殊兴趣集团
- SIGGRAPH: Special Interest Group in Graphics 图形特别兴趣组
- ACM special interest group on Information retrieval 全称是ACM信息过滤专题组
- Special Interest Group in Disorders of Fluency, SIG 语言流畅失调症特殊兴趣团体
- Web Services Special Interest Group 服务特别兴趣组
- Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics 电脑图像特別兴趣組