- projective special unitary group 特殊射影酉群
- Their characteristic is that the positrinos and the antiparticles are Hermitian conjugate each other, and express the form of special unitary groups SU(n). 其特点是,正、反粒子相互厄米共轭,表现为特殊幺正群SU(n)的形式。
- Li Shangzhi &Zha Jianguo, On certain classes of maximal subgroups in projective special unitary groups over finite fields, Scientia Sinica (Ser.A), Vol.25 (1982) No.8, 808-815. (MR 84b: 20056). 曾肯成;李尚志;查建国;关于有限李型单群子群体系的若干结果;全国第一届代数学学术会议大会报告;(南京;1982年4月).
- special unitary group 特殊酉群
- With the increase of the code rate, the production distance between the constellation of the unitary group code decreases rapidly and deteriorates the performance of the system. 随着码率的不断增加,酉空时码群中的各个星座点之间的乘积距离会变得越来越小,从而导致性能恶化。
- An analytical treatment fsr a Strong Crystal field in an Octahedral Symmetry by using the unitary group approach is given. It Shows that the convenience of the Unitary group opproach is comparable with that of the Racah method. 应用酉群方法对强晶体场的八面体对称问题进行解析处理,表明酉群方法和Racah方法同样有效。
- The existence and the structure of Carter subgroups of unitary groups U_(2n)R over local rings R=KG are studied. 研究了局部环R=KG上酉群U2nR的C arter子群的存在性及结构.
- The normal structure theorem for the unitary group 酉群的正规性结构定理
- This kind of medicine is special for gripes. 这种药专治肚子痛。
- Take special care tonight because the road is icy. 路面结冰了,今晚要格外小心。
- I think I can get that special model for you. 我想我可以为你找到那种特别的型号。
- The chiffonier in that shop looks special. 那家商场的西洋梳镜柜看上去很特别。
- The medicine has a special bitterness. 这种药有一种特殊的苦味。
- The relations satisfied by generators of elementary group of unitary group(ZHAO Yong, ZHANG Yu-lin) 酉群的基本子群的生成元所满足的关系(赵勇,张玉林)
- I came at your (special) request. 我是(特别)应你要求而来的。
- These rare tigers are protected by special laws. 这些珍贵的老虎受到专门法律的保护。
- I buy some special fast film for my new camera. 我为新相机买了些特快胶卷。
- Keywords Bonded tableau unitary group approach;Valence bond theory;Ab initio;Substituted benzene; 键表酉群方法;价键理论;从头算;取代苯;
- I have a special liking for golf. 我特别喜欢高尔夫球运动。
- She is a special friend of mine. 她是我一个特别的朋友。