- Convene a special session of Congress. 召开议会特别会议
- They met in a special session in Brussels today. 今天,他们在布鲁塞尔举行了特别会议。
- Congressional lawmakers are back on capital hall this week for a special session on the nation tittering auto industry. 国会立法者这星期回到了位于华盛顿的国会大厦举行特别会议,讨论关于位于水深火热中的汽车产业的相关问题。
- U.S. President Barack Obama presided over a special session of the Security Council Wednesday. 美国总统欧巴马星期三主持了联合国安理会的一次特别会议。
- Megawati Sukarnoputri was sworn in on July 23rd as Indonesia's fifth president by a special session of parliament which dismissed her predecessor Abdurrahman Wahid. 7月23日,在议会特别会议上,梅加瓦蒂·苏加诺普特丽宣誓就任印度尼西亚第四任总统。其前任阿卜杜勒拉赫曼·瓦西德被废黜。
- At least one South Carolina lawmaker could bring up impeaching the Governor during a special session about employment benefits today. 今天在南卡罗莱州的一场关于职工利益的特殊会议中,至少有一个立法者提出弹劾州长。
- Speaking before a special session of the Israeli parliament Monday, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Israel faces an "all-out war" against Hamas. 以色列国防部长巴拉克星期一在以色列议会的特别会议上说,以色列正在和哈马斯开展全面的战争。
- A special session will be held after the president permits or over a third of the directors make a proposal in case that important issue accrues. 如有重大事项,由会长决定或由三分之一以上理事共同提议,召开特别理事会。
- Mr Fukuda may close this special session of the Diet and vote on the refuelling law when the ordinary session opens in January. 福田可许会结束特别召集的国会,而在明年1月召开的例行国会上对燃油补给法案进行投票。
- That year yielded the Smoot-Hawley tariff act, the product of a special session of Congress called by Hoover to address the economic troubles. 那年由胡佛任命的、针对经济困境的特别任期国会通过了Smoot-Hawley关税法案。
- The Congress-led coalition government says a special session of parliament will be convened to hold the confidence vote. 印度国大党领导的联合政府说,为了举行信任投票将召开一次议会特别会期。
- The Government of India, and they are opening a special session of the anti-terrorism, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is the host. 中英文对照:印度政府反映,他们正在开一个反恐特别会议,是印度总理辛格主持召开的。
- It is said that Azerbaijan, Oman and Syria and other non-OPEC members will also attend Wednesday's special session of the OPEC. 据称,阿塞拜疆、阿曼和叙利亚及其他非欧佩克成员国也将出席周三的欧佩克特别会议。
- As the state began issuing IOUs, a contentious special session was held in the state legislature to thrash out spending cuts. 该州开始发行期票,一场有争议的会议在州立法机构举行,旨在研讨削减开支。
- Although the Special Session of the 73rd Congress has not yet adjourned, its legislative programme is virtually completed. 尽管第73次国会特别大会还没有休会,但是立法程序实际上已经完成。
- I shall presently urge upon a new Congress in special session,detailed measures for their fulfillment,and I shall seek the immediate assistance of the 48 states. 我要在特别会议上敦促新国会给予详细实施方案,并且,我要向18个州请求立即的援助。
- A senior leader of Japan's political opposition underlined the government's predicament, demanding a special session of parliament to deal with the issue. 日本在野党的一名高官强调了政府的困境,要求内阁就此举行特别会议。
- At a special session in Cairo, they endorsed the choice of army chief General Michel Suleiman as Lebanese president, and called for his immediate election. 在开罗的一次特别会议上,外长们通过了推选陆军总司令苏莱曼为黎巴嫩总统的决定,并要求立即选举他为总统。
- I shall presently urge upon a new Congress in special session, detailed measures for their fulfillment, and I shall seek the immediate assistance of the 48 states. 我要在特别会议上敦促新国会给予详细实施方案,并且,我要向18个州请求立即的援助。
- Topolanek said on the 7th, if the supply of Russian gas when it can not be restored, the EU Member States will be energy minister to convene a special session on the 12th. 托波拉内克7日还称,如果到时俄罗斯天然气供应不能恢复,欧盟各成员国能源部长将在12日召开特别会议。