- The factory has built up reserve fund. 这个工厂已积累了后备基金。
- I have kept a reserve fund in case of accidents. 我已筹备了一笔准备基金以防不测。
- special reserve fund 特别储备基金,特种准备基金
- We must build up a reserve fund to meet emergency. 我们必须筹措一笔储备基金以应不测。
- We should have a reserve fund in case of crisis. 我们必须留下一笔储蓄金以应对突发事件。
- He proposed that reserve fund should not be used. 他不打算动用储备金。
- We must build up a reserve fund to meet emergencies. 我们必须逐渐积累一笔储蓄以备急需。
- The firm has a reserve fund to the amount of $ 100,000. 公司的公积金达10万美金。
- The firm has a reserve fund to the amount of $100,000. 公司的公积金达10万美金。
- The company capitalized its reserve funds. 这家公司把储备基金用作资本。
- As a matter of fact I am negotiating now for a commission in the Special Reserve. 事实上我现在已在特别预备队里谋一个职位呢。
- They capitalized the company's reserve funds. 他们将公司的储备金移作资本。
- The commune's common reserve fund now amounts to approximately 380,000 yuan. 这个公社的公积金总数现已接近三十八万元。
- The issue of Hong Kong currency must be backed by a 100 percent reserve fund. 港币的发行须有百分之百的准备金。
- The commune's common reserve fund now amounts to approximately380, 000yuan. 这个公社的公积金总数现已接近三十八万元。
- Article 32 A company type stock exchange shall set aside thirty to eighty percent of the after tax profit as the special reserve. 第32条公司制证券交易所应于每年税后盈馀项下,提列百分之三十至八十特别盈馀公积。
- It will be charged as capital expenditure of the Capital Works Reserve Fund. 有关利息会记入基本工程储备基金的非经营开支。
- The extra 20,000 USD over the fundraiser goal was put into a reserve fund. 另外,超过筹款目标的20,000美元则放入後备基金。
- The Russian government currently is expected to use the special reserve to cover the loss in the budget caused by delaying the dale of stock shares of Luke oil company. 俄罗斯政府目前预料将动用其预算特别准备金,以遮堵今天延后出售路克石油公司股份所留下的预算漏洞。
- The company capitalized its reserve funds . 这家公司把储备基金用作资本。