- Create a special relationship with a single friendly nation. 跟一个国家发展特殊的合作关系。
- To marry an American was perhaps to confirm the special relationship. 与美国人结婚可能是加强两国间特殊关系。
- Hong Kong and Australia has a very important and special relationship. 香港和澳洲之间的关系非常重要,而且密切。
- Declare Patron: Create a special relationship with a single friendly nation. 宣布赞助:跟一个国家发展特殊的合作关系。
- Abstinence helps to enhance the special relationship found only in marriage. 节制有助于加强婚姻中的特殊关系基础。
- For her it was a special relationship, permitting intelligent exchanges. 对她来说,那是一种特殊的关系,可以用明智的方式进行角逐。
- Hong Kong is now proudly a part of China,but Hong Kong and Britain will always have a very special relationship. 香港现已成为中国的一部份,我们为此而自豪,但香港和英国永远也会维持特别的关系。
- His personality and chilling integrity would have inhibited "special relationship" even if his convictions had not. 他的品格和冷漠的个性,必然会妨碍这种“特殊关系”的发展,即便他的主观信念并不想这么做。
- Gates said he was proud of what he called Microsoft's "special relationship" with Britain. 盖茨说,他为微软和英国之间的“特殊关系”感到骄傲。
- To sell weapons to Egypt was perhaps to confirm the special relationship between the two countries. 向埃及出售武器可能是为了加强两国之间的特殊关系。
- At first, the music played bore no special relationship to the films; an accompaniment of any kind was sufficient. 最初,这些音乐伴奏与电影没有什么特别的关系,用什么曲子伴奏都行。
- Americans have a special relationship with Canadians with whom they share the world's longest undefended border. 美国人与加拿大人有一种特殊的关系。美加两国 的边界是世界上最长的不设防边界。
- We have a special relationship to many small fish that play and hide in our tendrils. 我们和许多在我们触手之间游嬉和藏身的小鱼有一种特殊的关系。
- The best ladylove is to leave after his wife knew your special relationship,but it is just like an unrealizable dream. 最好的情人是在你和她的关系被妻子发现而主动退出又不提任何要求,只是情人很难做到这点。
- "I think this notion that somehow there is any lessening of that special relationship is misguided. “我认为,有关这种特殊关系减弱的提法多少是被误导了。
- Often those destined to ascend had a special relationship with one or more kingdom in one's childhood. 经常的,那些注定要提升的人们会在幼年时期和一个或更多王国有特别的关系。
- Mike: Uh well I did just end a very special relationship but I think I've moped around about that long enough. 迈克:哦,哦,刚才我总算和那个人把关系给断掉了。这也就了去了我心里的烦恼,
- The special relationship is your determination to keep you hold on unreality, and to prevent yourself from waking. 特殊关系只不过显示出你死守“非实相”的决心,绝不轻易让自己醒过来。
- Each physical yoga asana corresponds to a chakra a mantra as well as a special relationship. 每一个瑜伽体位都对应一个轮穴、一个唱诵和一种特别关系。
- There is a tree in Africa that has a special relationship with a particular kind of ant. 在非洲有一种树和一种特殊类型的蚂蚁有著特别的关系。