- June was in danger of becoming an alcoholic and so she's gone to a special nursing home to dry out. 简正有危险成为一个嗜酒者,因此她到一家特殊的小型疗养院去戒酒。
- Conclusion Special nursing intervension can enhance the therapeutic efficacy in treating orthostatic hypotension. 结论针对性的护理干预可提高治疗直立性低血压的疗效。
- Jane was in danger of becoming an alcoholic and so she's gone to a special nursing home to dry out. 简正有危险成为一个嗜酒者,因此她到一家特殊的小型疗养院去戒酒。
- Objective:To investigate special nursing method of spinal cord AVM during treatment with endovascular embolization. 目的:着重探讨脊髓血管畸形血管内栓塞治疗的临床护理经验。
- Objective To explore special nursing measures for patients with pulmonary edema related to uremia. 目的探讨尿毒症相关性肺水肿的特殊护理措施。
- Objective To investigate the characteristics of aged patients with lung infection so as to provide basis for clinical,special nursing. 目的 了解高龄肺部感染患者的病情特点 ,为临床特殊护理提供依据。
- The methods to trainning ICU nursing staff of intensive care technslogy cooprate network centre for special nursing are introduced. 本文介绍了重症监护技术协作网络对网络中心ICU护士进行专科护理培训的具体做法。
- Method:A to tal of 23 cases of postoperative senile crista femoris patients were monitored t heir illness condition,strengthened special nursing care,and prevented complicat ions from happening. 对23例高龄股骨粗隆间骨折外固定架固定术后病人实施病情监测,加强专科护理,预防并发症。
- If bumps into ties a knot undergoes the evil, best leads him to watch the specialized nursing human affairs. 如果碰到打结非常历害,最好带他去看专业护理人事。
- The paper introduced management goal of tracking, the responsibility of special nurses, working procedure and notes. 介绍了追踪工作的管理目标、专职护士职责、工作流程和注意事项。
- I'm going to send for a special nurse, as the intravenous drip will run out soon. 这瓶点滴快打完了,我要去叫个特护来。
- Objective To investigate the experience of the specialized nursing of toxic epidermolysis, improve specialized nursing care and accelerate patients get well soon. 目的总结中毒性表皮松解症(TEN)患者的护理经验,提高护理质量,有效地促进患者康复。
- Objective To provide the diabetic patients high quality and safety care,to improve clinical nurses\ specialized nursing care level on diabetes mellitus. 为了提升临床护士的糖尿病专科护理水平,使糖尿病患者得到同质、安全的护理。
- This kind of medicine is special for gripes. 这种药专治肚子痛。
- The specialized nursing during the celioscope operation caused to improve the success in operation, reduce the distress after operation, promote the function of the intestinal to recover. 围手术期的专科护理对于提高手术成功率,减轻术后痛苦,促进肠道功能的恢复等方面起到了重要的作用。
- Take special care tonight because the road is icy. 路面结冰了,今晚要格外小心。
- Objective To discuss nursing care of fractured patients using new style pinless external fixation (PEF) developed by the said department in view of improving the quality of specialized nursing. 目的探讨自制新型钳夹式无针外固定架(PEF)固定骨折手术的护理问题,提高专科护理质量。
- I think I can get that special model for you. 我想我可以为你找到那种特别的型号。
- The chiffonier in that shop looks special. 那家商场的西洋梳镜柜看上去很特别。
- The medicine has a special bitterness. 这种药有一种特殊的苦味。