- special life experience 特殊身世
- A: dad says you have a lot of life exPerience. 爸爸说你有丰富的人生经验。
- Age and life experience help keep a star grounded. 年龄和生活阅历能帮助明星们保持清醒。
- His life experience has been pia... 想问你能这样翻译吗?
- In refusing to study abroad, she missed a life experience. 由于拒绝出国留学,她错失了一种生活经历。
- JUJU Oggi The Basics Special Live. 伊藤.;AI
- Zen Yoga will yen yoga you know, life experience and enjoy life. 禅圆瑜伽将使您认识瑜伽,感受生命,享受生活。
- Programs look for people with special experience, to witness history, pondering life, against life experience and spiritual secrets of the creation of a novel transcript. 节目寻访拥有特殊经历的人物,一起见证历史,思索人生,直指生命的体验与心灵秘密,创造一种新颖的谈话记录。
- Programs look for people with special experience, to witness history, to think of life, against the soul of life experience and secrets to create a new record of the conversation. 节目寻访拥有特殊经历的人物,一起见证历史,思索人生,直指生命的体验与心灵秘密,创造一种新颖的谈话记录。
- This article will combine his poems,the time he had lived and his life experience together,analyse his indite and his special achievement of his seven-word poems. 本文将李益诗歌和他所处的时代、生平经历结合起来,分析李益创作的心态和他在七绝方面独特的艺术成就。
- A Study on Life Experiences and Poems o. 李之仪生平与诗歌研究;
- It is not a live experience; it is just a doctrine. 这不是一种活生生的经验;它只是一种教条。
- Chipin &Kaiya's Jazz Quintet - 3rd Round Special Live at Blue Note Taipei ! 启彬与凯雅的五重奏三月19日周一晚三度于台北蓝调演出!!
- Loses allly and win is all fortuity that the life experience with inevitable. 所有的输和赢都是人生经历的偶然和必然。
- Realize female's special life taste and material feels very good. Style is designed briefly, elegantly and fashionably and favored by more and more females. 成就女人独特生活品位,面料手感超好。风格设计简洁,优雅,时尚,广受好评。
- They bring a wide range of both academic and life experience to their teaching. 他们都能把丰富的教学和生活经验带到课室里。
- The work tells a morbid doctor's infatuation about body and sex: from one side, he fears and worries about his own body, from another side, he also has his special life habit. 作品讲述了一个病态医生对身体与性的迷恋:一边是对自己身体存在的恐惧不安与焦虑,一边又带有着特殊的生活癖好。
- Indoor Game Suite-furniture provides people with life experience of DIY. 游戏式套房家具给了人们DIY的生活体验。
- Some evidence suggests that Rapid Eye Movement Sleep may be a time when the brain adapts to life experiences. 某些证据表明“快速眼动睡眠”可能是大脑长期适应生活经验形成的。
- I started modelling, I guess you could say, to gain life experience. 我想你会说,我当模特是为了获得生活经验。