- special floating crane 运架梁专用起重船
- Please arrange for a floating crane to discharge the heavy pieces on board. 请安排一台浮吊来卸船上的重件。
- The Floating Crane in the Java Sea south of Kalimantan, Indonesia, handles export coal from river barges to seagoing vessels. 适用于印度尼西亚加里曼丹南部的爪洼海的浮吊,用于运送用作出口的煤从岸边的驳船到海船。
- With the Generation 5 Harbour Pontoon Crane, for operation on open seas, our successful Floating Crane technology has entered into new dimensions. 借助第5代港口平底船起重机在宽广水域的操作,我们的浮吊技术成功地应用入新的区域。
- Please swing the derricks at Hatch No.3 to the shoreside because our floating crane will come alongside to unload the heavy lifts. 请把三舱吊杆移到里档,因为我们的浮吊要到外档卸重件。
- The Confederation Bridge actually consists of65 separate sections which were each built on land and then moved into precise positions by a satellite-guided floating crane. 同盟桥实际上是建立在土地上,然后以卫星指导流动起重机搬进准确位置的65单独部分组成。
- This paper introduced a new kind of installation method of modules called floatover,which do not need heavy float crane,but with three steps:First fix the modules on the barge. 此种安装方式将安装的组块固定在驳船上,运输组块的驳船进入导管架,系泊稳定就位后通过驳船的升降设施将组块荷载转移到钢桩即可。
- This paper introduces a method to obtain wind heeling moment and minimum capsizing lever, and shows how to apply them into criteria by an example of the intact stability calculation for floating crane in working condition. 本文以一条起重船的作业状态的完整稳性计算为例,介绍了用NAPA软件中的MACRO来求出风压倾侧力矩和最小倾覆力臂,并把它们应用到相应衡准中的方法。
- Except the basic characters of ZS2,ZS5187 container spreaders own the following characteristics:1.Equipped dual-rotating head,it is applicable to the floating crane and portal crane;2. 集装箱吊具系列:ZS5187吊具具有ZS2系列吊具的基本特征,还有以下特点:1配置了双吊点旋转头,适用于浮式起重机和门式起重机;
- Compared with the heavy float crane method, TML has the advantages of shorter construction period, lower cost and serviceability in both shallow water and deep water, even in hostile sea condition. 经济分析结果表明,TML与大型浮吊法相比,施工周期短,成本低,既能在深水区操作,也能在浅水区操作,还能在恶劣的海况条件下操作。
- Floating crane for cargo handling 装卸用浮式起重机
- We have many gantry \cranes\hoists\ on the wharves. We also have some floating cranes for heavy lifts. 我们码头前沿有许多龙门起重机,我们还有一些浮吊用于重件。
- Floating crane for port-basic parameter series 港口浮式起重机基本参数系列
- Designing a floating crane installation 移动式起重机船用安装的设计
- Safety rules for port floating crane 港口浮式起重机安全规程
- Eide Marine Services AS is a company that owns and operate vessels of different types, barges, tugs and floating cranes. 爱之尔德(上海)船务咨询有限公司 是一个自有公司,我们拥有各种船只,驳船,拖船,起重机等业务。
- This kind of medicine is special for gripes. 这种药专治肚子痛。
- control system of floating crane 浮吊控制系统
- Take special care tonight because the road is icy. 路面结冰了,今晚要格外小心。
- I think I can get that special model for you. 我想我可以为你找到那种特别的型号。