- special defects (双宫丝疵)特殊类
- 双宫丝特征Features of mulberry duppion silk yarns
- 双宫丝品级及公量检验证书Inspection certificate for douppioni silk classification and conditioned weight
- 加大管理力度适应双宫丝新标准Strengthen Management to Adapt New Standard of Double Cocoon Silk
- 做小纤度绞间偏差,提高双宫丝质量Decreasing Size Skein Deviation to Improve Quality of Double Cocoon Silk
- 疵blemish
- 白金汉宫Buckingham Palace
- 双性恋bisexual love
- 藕断丝连(of lovers etc.) separated but still in each other's thoughts
- 成双atwain
- 长丝filament
- 逼宫force the king or emperor to abdicate
- 双解bilingual
- 盘丝wire coiling
- 宫爆鸡丁chicken cubes in chilly sauce
- 罗浮宫louvre
- 丝扣screw thread
- 半双工semiduplex
- 摩丝mousse; styling mousse; mousse
- 双拼Two bors d's oeuveres