- special body quality 专项身体素质
- So why can the night owl so unmistakably predatory vole? It is also necessary to talk about its special body structure. 那么,猫头鹰为什么能够在夜间这样准确无误地捕食田鼠呢?这还要从它特殊的身体结构谈起。
- The on-ling automatic detection equipment for shell body quality consists of inputting, measuring, transmission, outputting, and separation. 弹体质量在线自动检测设备由进料、测量、传送、出料和分选机构组成。
- Youngman with better body quality shall select some of sports for exercise according to his body condition and habits to fully develop his body. 体质较好的年轻人则应根据自己的身体条件和爱好选择一些运动项目进行锻炼,全面地发展身体。
- Need a good photo for your profile or e-mails? Want to show off that special body part or activity? This is the place to cum! 各种话题:建议,电脑及网际网路,情色艺术,暴露狂,模特儿/摄影师,情趣玩具,影音/照相术,观淫癖,水上活动
- According to the results, the special body features of female's different parts and wearing needs, the skintight-belt using different bias cutting methods is designed and sewn. 根据实验结果与人体不同部位的特殊体形特征和服用要求,采用不同的斜裁方式设计制作了紧身腰带;
- Results indicated: undergraduates body quality development was not balance, body function became down, levels of constitution health was lower national levels overall. 结果表明:青海省大学生身体素质发展不平衡,身体机能有所下降,体质健康水平总体低于全国平均水平。
- Very clearly, how to confront the pressure of life, adjust well the mental condition, relieve the stressful feeling, is the most important side to maintain health and increase the body quality. 显然,如何面对生活压力,调整好心态,缓解紧张情绪,是我们保持健康、增强体质的一个重要方面。
- The special body plan of Yunnanozoon is almost identical to that of the living enteropneust hemichordate Balanoglossus,which suggests that the earlyCambrian creature is ancestral to the hemichordates. 这种独特的身体造型与现生肠鳃类半索动物几无二致,从而表明这个早寒武世动物是地球上半索动物门中已知最古老的祖先类型。
- Abstract: This paper carries on a experimental research on 220 female students in Chengdu area of their SCL-90, CSAI -2 , configuration, enginery, body quality and body composition. 文章摘要: 对西南地区在校师范女大学生220人进行了SCL-90症状自评量表、CSAI-2量表测试和形态、机能、身体素质、身体成分测试。
- So the girl students' body quality should be improved by forming life-long thoughts of physical education, eliminating mentality barrier and lazing and developing the exercise interests and habits. 因此,提高高职院校女生的身体素质应从形成其终身体育观、消除其心理障碍和惰性、培养其运动兴趣和习惯等方面来进行。
- The egg is round in shape and it contains twenty three special bodies (chromosomes) which carry the woman's inheritable characteristics. 卵子呈圆形,含携带女性遗传特征的23条染色体。
- To better protect it,the regional authorities set up special bodies in 1979 for the collection,research,editing and publishing of the Life of King Gesar. 为了保护藏民族的这一文化瑰宝,西藏自治区于1979年成立了抢救、整理《格萨尔王传》的专门机构,进行全面搜集、采录、整理、研究和出版工作。
- The results showed that doing Baduanjin is helpful to strengthen the heart and lung functions, keep body appearance and increase pars of the body qualities for the non-PE majors. 结果表明,八段锦练习对非体育专业大学生的心肺功能、身体形态、以及部分身体素质具有积极的促进和改善作用。
- This kind of medicine is special for gripes. 这种药专治肚子痛。
- Special Body on Land-locked Countries; 内陆国家问题特别小组;
- Take special care tonight because the road is icy. 路面结冰了,今晚要格外小心。
- The Body Quality of the Ancient Chinese Cosmology 中国古代宇宙论的身体性
- I think I can get that special model for you. 我想我可以为你找到那种特别的型号。
- The chiffonier in that shop looks special. 那家商场的西洋梳镜柜看上去很特别。