- Zhang Jianzong stressed that when each time has business failure, the special zone government Department concerned with reconciles the human to contact on own initiative. 张建宗强调,每次发生企业倒闭,特区政府有关部门便即时主动与清盘人联络。
- Abstract: Sanitation of government of Hong Kong special zone defends the center confirms 17 days, hong Kong discovered first pig this year is streptococcic affect a record. 正文:中华人民共和国香港特区官方卫生保护中心17日证明,中华人民共和国香港发觉了本年的首宗猪链球菌点染个案。
- Special zone divides into 3 areas,: Meng pull , south Bang , colour rein. 特区分为3个地区,即:勐拉、南邦、色勒。
- Deng Xiaoping delimits Shenzhen the special zone, this is an opportunity. 邓小平把深圳划成特区,这是机会。
- Please consider me an applicant for the position which you advertised in "Shenzhen Special Zone Herald" of May 25. 5月25日贵公司在《深圳特区报》上刊登广告招聘人才。我愿应聘,请予考虑。
- Subject The Morphological Development and Health Condition Of Pupils In The Rural Area of Shen Zhen Special Zone. 特区农村小学生形态发育和健康状况分析。
- A Brief Introduction To Our Company The headquarters of barcode is set up in Shenzhen special zone. 巴库德条码总部设立于深圳经济特区,是一家成立较早的高科技公司。
- I prepare to be done in Shenzhen special zone useless plastic reclaim treatment. 我预备在深圳特区搞废塑料回收加工。
- This article talks about economic development strategy and region devision function design in Hainan special zone. 摘要本文论述海南特区经济发展战略与区划功能设计的相关问题。
- West Green Zone government in the town of Yangliuqing, is well-known杨柳青年画origin, there are tourist attractions of the original eight people in Tianjin, one of the Grand Courtyard stone. 西青区政府设在杨柳青镇,是著名的杨柳青年画原产地,旅游景点有原天津八大家之一的石家大院。
- Article 3 Whoever engages in brokering activities within the Special Zone shall be governed by the present Regulations. 第三条凡在特区内从事经纪活动的,适用本条例。
- On-line is also enlivening a crowd in special zone management “the soldier younger sister”. 在特区管理线上还活跃着一群“兵妹妹”。
- Despite the hard work, one rider, Paul Adkins, said, "You get into a special zone when you ride a bike here. 尽管旅途艰难,车手保罗?阿迪金说道:"当你骑车来到这的时候,你将进入一个特殊的地带。
- Develop industrial estate as a special zone with fully-equipped public utility and infrastructure to support specified targeted industries. 为支持重点目标工业企业,把工业园区发展成为全套基公用设施和基础设施齐全的专门生产区域。
- Having noticed the enclosed advertisement in the Shenzhen Special Zone Herald of August 12, I wish to apply for the post referred to. 拜读8月12日《深圳特区报》的广告得知贵公司要招聘人才,本人附寄剪报申报此职位。
- The share of profits that investors in special zone Chinese-foreign joint ventures remit abroad shall be exempted from income tax . (三)特区中外合资经营企业的客商将从企业分得的利润汇出境外,免征所得税。
- Special zones for developing high and new advanced technology have been opened up in places where conditions permit. 在条件许可的地方都开辟了发展高新技术的特区。
- As a special zone that develops the industry,the industrial park is one kind of acceleratory force which harmonizes both economy and society. 开发区作为工业发展的先导,对区域的经济和社会协调发展起到了非常重要的作用。
- Guangdong province is in get " Chinese special zone " after laurel, move dig disinter on the spot indeed full " the first pail of gold " . 广东省在获取“中国特区”的桂冠后,着着实实地挖掘出了满满的“第一桶金”。