- In practice, the anti-competition licensing of trademark, reverse domain name hijacking and so on, is the incorporate of trademark right abuse. 在实践中,反竞争的商标许可、域名反向劫持、商标恶意抢注等行为均是商标权滥用的具体表现。
- Although there is a signature in English in the column “licensor of use of trademark” in latter part of the contract, there is no identification document to prove the identity of the signing party. 该份合同尾部“商标使用许可人”处虽有一英文签名,但没有任何可以证明该签名人身份的证明文件。
- To request a 14 day trial license of this product. 申请本产品的14天试用期。
- No special license will be regranted to anyone from now on. 特殊许可证今后不得向任何人再行发放。
- What shall we do to apply for the registration of trademark? 我们应如何申请注册商标呢?
- An old ordinance declares goatees illegal unless you first pay a special license fee for the privilege of wearing one in public. 一项旧法令宣告山羊胡子是违法的,除非你先缴纳一笔特许费,取得公开留山羊胡子的特权。
- PyQt follows the licensing of Qt closely. PyQt严格遵循Qt的发放许可。
- Enterprises engaging in the import and export of monopolized tobacco must apply to the State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau for a special license for doing tobacco monopoly businesses. 一、凡经营烟草专卖品进出口业务的企业,必须向国家烟草专卖局申领特种烟草专卖经营企业许可证。
- However, mention should also be made of trademarks. 不过,也应该提及商标。
- What kinds of trademarks can be registered? 哪些种类的商标可以注册?
- The local press challenged the license of the T. V. Station. 地方报纸要求吊销电视台的执照。
- Must have license of Semisenior Accountant, CPA and CTA preferred. 具有中级会计师资格,注册会计师、注册税务师优先;
- "QL" the use of trademark products are mainly used in automobile and motorcycle lamp lights as well as bromine tungsten lights, special light source on. 商标其使用产品主要用在汽车灯和摩托车灯以及溴钨灯、特种光源上。
- Driving License of the People's Republic of China (C1). 中华人民共和国机动车驾驶证(准驾车型C1);
- The local press challenged the license of the T.V.station. 当局吊销了这家电视台的营业执照。
- But no special license is required to export DNA synthesizers and sequencers and other automated machines that can make it much easier to engage in the genetic engineering of microorganisms. 而DNA合成仪与定序仪,以及其他的自动仪器,使微生物遗传工程学的研发工作更为容易,出口时却不需申请特别许可。
- By law, the protection of trademark in our country is limited to 30 years. 根据法律规定,我国的商标权保护期为30年。
- Trademark right is obtained on the basis of two facts: use of trademark. 商标权的取得基于两种事实:一是商标的使用,即商标权通过商标的实际使用来获得;
- Part 4 legal systems of trademark and tradename in other countries and areas. 第四部分其他国家或地区关于商标与商号的法律制度。
- It is an important way to hypothecate the debts with the right of trademark. 用商标的专有使用权作为债的担保是商标利用的一种重要方式。