- Should Build Green Grain Reserve System 中国应建设绿色的粮食储备体系
- The State Special Grain Reserve: Institutional Innovation in Management under the Market Economy 试论国家粮食专项储备经营管理体制创新
- Above the surplus grain sold to the state, the brigade built up a good grain reserve of its own. 除了卖给国家的余粮外,这个大队还建立了自己的粮食储备。
- What is meant by the term Federal Reserve System? 什么是美国联邦储蓄系统?
- Our village has a grain reserve sufficient for three years. 我们村的储备粮够吃三年。
- A bank that is a member of the Federal Reserve System. 是联邦储备银行制度成员的银行。
- The state grain reserves hit an all-time high. 国家粮食库存达到历史最高水平。
- Article 43 A pharmaceutical reserve system shall be carried out by the State. 第四十三条国家实行药品储备制度。
- As the particularity of grain pressure, it needs to develop the special grain depot pressure sensor to measure grain-gravity. 摘要由于粮堆压力的特殊性,需设计粮库专用压力传感器来检测粮堆重力。
- Above the surplus grain sold to the state,the brigade built up a good grain reserve of its own. 除了卖给国家的余粮外,这个大队还建立了自己的粮食储备。
- The progressive faction demanded a reserve system and currency supply owned and controlled by the government. 进步派系要求建立由政府占有和控制的储备制度和货币供应。
- Using the theory of capacitive pressure sensor to develop the special grain depot pressure sensor, but the non-linear problems encountered in the design. 利用变极距电容式压力传感器原理设计粮库专用压力传感器,但设计中遇到非线性问题。
- The machinery used in the construction of arch roof truss of grain reserve depot in Xianyang as well as operation key points are introduced. 介绍了咸阳市粮食储备库拱板屋架的施工机具设备以及操作要点,探讨了拱板在屋面预制施工中的关键环节,并提出了操作要点,保证了工程的施工质量。
- During the late seventies world grain reserves were rebuilt. 七十年代末,世界粮食储备重新建立。
- The national oil strategic reserve system will be established to safeguard national energy security. 建立国家石油战略储备,维护国家能源安全。
- The Federal Reserve System includes 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks and 25 Federal Reserve Bank branches. 联邦储备系统包括12家地区性联邦储备银行和25家联邦储备银行的分行。
- FOMC The body that sets the interest rate and credit policies of the Federal Reserve System. 公开市场委员会为美国联邦储备体系制定利率及信贷政策的机构。
- Selt-circle Aspirators in series Model TFXH are used to grain reserve and granule materials clearing in flourmills,feed mills,medicine,oil mills, food and brew. TFXH系列循环风选取器主要用于粮食储藏、面粉、饮料加工、医药、油脂、食品、酿造等行业的颗粒物料清理。
- In the United States today this perfectly valid business practice is ratified by the Federal Reserve System. 在今天的美国,这一完全合法的商业活动已得到了美国联邦储备系统的批准。
- I'm heard that there is the Federal Reserve System in the United State, would you tell me what functions it performs? 学员:我听说在美国有联邦储备系统,您能告诉我它有什么职能嘛?