- [speak+] 私下里off the record
- 请将英语动词 “speak”的各种形式作有系统的排列。Please conjugate the English verb “speak”.
- 在 speak quietly 中,副词 quietly 是修饰语。In 'speak quietly', the adverb 'quietly' is a modifier.
- 实际上,早年的实验已经指出,有较多联想的无义字缀(nonsense syllables)比较容易学会。As a matter of fact,early experiments of verbal learning show that nonsense-syllables that have more associations are easier to learn.
- 在speak kindly﹑ incredibly deep﹑ just in time﹑ too quickly中, kindly﹑ incredibly﹑ just﹑ too都是副词.In 'speak kindly', 'incredibly deep', 'just in time' and 'too quickly', 'kindly', 'incredibly', 'just' and 'too' are all adverbs.