- spatial remote sensing 空间遥感
- Class B: remote sensing geology exploration. 乙级:遥感地质勘查。
- Knowledge of Remote Sensing applications. 遥感应用知识。
- Expert in Infrared and remote sensing. 红外及遥感专家。
- OMIS imaging spectrometer airborne remote sensing. 标 签 OMIS 成像光谱仪 航空遥感.
- The approach of surface temperature to estimate the spatial distribution of evapotranspiration by using remote sensing is very attractive. 摘要通过遥感方法反演表面温度来计算地表蒸散量是定量遥感的一个很有潜力的应用领域。
- The spatial distribution of crop variety and corresponding planting area in Qingtongxia irrigation area, Ninxia Autonomous, China, is monitored by means of remote sensing. 摘要利用卫星图像对青铜峡灌区进行了2004年作物种植结构遥感监测,获得了各类主栽作物的种植面积及其空间分布。
- Multi-sensor and multi-temporal and multi-spectral and microwave remote sensing data has been widely used to detecting temporal and spatial changes of soil salinization. 多源、多时相、多光谱和微波遥感技术已被广泛用于监测土壤盐渍化的时空变化研究中。
- Price, John C, 1990. Using Spatial Context in Satellite Data to Infer Regional Scale Evapotranspiration .IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 28(5): 940-948. 刘俊志,(2000),克利金空间推估应用于控制点选取与影像几何校正,国立台湾大学生物环境系统工程研究所硕士论文。
- Class B: areal geology survey; remote sensing geology exploration. 2901524乙级:区域地质调查;遥感地质勘查。
- Airborne LIDAR is an active remote sensing technique. 机载激光雷达是一种主动遥感技术。
- Remote sensing imaging features seem clearly distribut of linear. 遥感影像特征十分明显,呈线性展布。
- Remote Sensing Rock Mechanics (RSRM) is a new interdiscipline. 遥感岩石力学(RSRM)是一门新兴的交叉科学。
- Remote sensing techniques have been applied in criminology. 遥感技术被应用于犯罪学中。
- Fractal has more and more been widely attended and approved by scholars in the r emote sensing research,one reason is that it can get related information such as spatial structure,pattern and distribution from remote sensing data. 分形在遥感研究中越来越受到学者的广泛关注和认可;一个重要的原因是利用分形理论可以从遥感数据中获取相关地物的空间结构、格局、分布等信息.
- Data mining techniques are ed to discover knowledge from GIS database and remote sensing image data in order to improve image classification. Two learning granularities are proposed for inductive learning from spatial data. 采用数据发掘技术从 GIS数据库和遥感图像中发现知识,用于改善遥感图像分类。
- Satellite remote sensing technology has produced great economic benefits. 卫星遥感技术在国家建设中产生了很大的经济效益。
- Landsat Remote Sense New Tech Development Co. 蓝赛特遥感新技术开发公司。
- In this paper, the features of patch characteristics, heterogeneity, diversity &evenness, and spatial relationship were analyzed in the Jialing River basin by using landscape indexes with remote sensing images. 摘要在遥感影像基础上利用景观指数从斑块特征、景观异质性、多样性与均匀性以及空间相互关系4个方面比较和分析了嘉陵江流域植被景观的空间格局特征。
- To adequately take advantage of the high spectral resolution of multispectral images and the high spatial resolution of panchromatic images, multisensor data fusion technique has been proposed in remote sensing image processing. 为了更充分地发挥这两类遥感图像数据的价值,人们利用两类数据的互补性,将多传感器融合技术引进了遥感图像处理领域。