- spatial relational matrix 空间关联矩阵
- Spatial relation analysis and query are embedded in OTIN. 在地形OTIN中增添了空间关系分析和查询功能,扩展了地形OTIN的应用。
- He specified the spatial relations of every piece of furniture on the stage. 他指出了舞台上每件家具的空间关系。
- The spatial relation of the superior mesenteric vein (SMV) and artery (SMA) was observed. 观察肠系膜上动脉与肠系膜上静脉的位置关系。
- Application of competition index in assessing intraspecific and interspecific spatial relations between manchurian ash and dahurian larch. 利用竞争指数评价水曲柳落叶松种内种间空间竞争关系
- Firstly the relation matrix changing KTSP into TSP is got,then applying chaotic neural network based on annealing strategy(ACNN) solves KTSP. 首先求出将KTSP转化成TSP的换位矩阵,然后用基于退火策略的混沌神经网络(ACNN)模型求解KTSP。
- Spatial relations result from the human positive construal of the location, existence/presentation, or motion of objects in the world. 空间关系是人对客观事物在空间中的方位、存现或运动状态的能动认知的结果。
- Men are much more "right-brained" than women, making spatial relations and visual information much more important to them. 男人会更多地用“右脑”去思考这件事,因此空间感和视觉感受对他们而言要重要得多。
- The direct dependency graph(DDG),direct dependency matrix(DDM),dependency relation matrix(DRM),degree of direct dependency(DDD) and minimal cover(MC) were defined. 然后定义了直接依赖图、直接依赖矩阵、直接依赖度、依赖关系矩阵和最小覆盖等概念。
- Determining spatial relation between two spherical objects is approached in this paper by recursive refine based on QTM (Quaternary Triangular Mesh) hierarchical partition. 主要讨论了在基于四元三角网 ( quaternary Triangular Mesh,简称 QTM)球面层次格网剖分的基础上 ,通过单元递归细化来确定 2个球面实体的空间关系。
- We improve the algebra of standard SQL with this spatial relation model,design and implement a multi-dimensional qualitative spatial query language MQS-SQL. 利用该模型扩充了标准SQL语言的关系代数;实现了混合维定性空间查询语言MQS-SQL.
- The spatial relation between the trailing edge of one blade and the leading edge of sequent blade is taken into account in improving turbomachinery performance. 以一单级跨声轴流压气机和一单级轴流透平为例,尝试用基元流动展向积分方法和全优化方法改善其性能,从而示例应用缘线匹配的具体方法及前景。
- Grey Relational Matrix Analysis on the Three Industries 三次产业的灰关联矩阵分析
- Therefore, spatial relations do not exist by themselves in the natural world.They are in fact recognized as so by the active and cognitive construal of human beings. 空间关系并不是存在于客观世界的自然之物,而是人类的能动识解使然。
- In order to obtain the orders and distances among objects in an image, we decode the 9D-SPA+ representation first and construct spatial relation graphs for reconstruction. 为了获得图像中物件间的顺序与距离,我们首先将9D-SPA+表示法进行解码,并建构一个空间关系图形。
- Algorithm Analysis of Periodicity of Relational Matrix 关系矩阵的周期性算法分析
- The model can be used to check and maintain quality of spatial data, and provide process and evaluation methods of spatial relations for automatic cartographical generalization. 该模型可以用于检验和维护空间数据质量、为地图自动综合提供空间关系处理和评价方法的参考。
- Based on the strategic synergy between parent and subsidiary company, the paper presents a method of drawing up the strategy of subsidiary company and a way to frame the business combination: relation matrix of function and business combination. 结合一个集团公司内部子公司战略制定的实例,提出了一套基于母子公司战略协同的子公司战略制定的思路与方法,并给出了一种功能与业务组合的关系矩阵作为确定子公司业务组合的方法,把子公司的功能划分为两个方面。
- Such technology could be useful for any study in which spatial relations are important, such as archaeology or industrial engineering, according to Esmen. 伊斯曼认为,这类技术在任何需考虑时空关系的研究(例如考古学和工业工程学)都能派上用场。
- How are the locations and spatial relations of objects in the environments represented in memory has been a hot issue investigated and disputed in spatial cognition research. 外界环境中物体位置与空间关系在记忆中如何表征,一直是空间认知研究领域探讨和争论的热点问题。